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Everything Horses and Livestock Magazine

Kansas Summertime

Can you believe that half the year is already over?

Lots of rain and trying to get the hay put up dry has

been our life this summer. The guys have roped

the minute the pen gets dry and then a down pour

comes and it’s another few days of wet...Now its

Hot and dry, welcome to Kansas!

We’ve enjoyed some beautiful evenings with cool

summer breezes and I do love summer time even

with the heat, much better than snow. I’m not really


How are your garden’s doing this year? I don’t put

very much in due to our crazy schedule so I really

want my efforts to count. My tomato plants are be-

hind this year as they are just now producing toma-

toes. They are still small and far from being big and

ripe..guess we’ll have some good fall eating!

One of my gardening items

that did super well this year

was our blackberries. The

stems went wild and are

healthy and huge. The berries

are bigger than ever and so

tasty. I made a wonderful pie

for our July 4th gathering and it turned out fantastic.

Ok don’t laugh, this was my first attempt at lacing

my pie so good. I definately did not inherit

my mom or sister Pamela’s awesome baking skills.

At least I tried. Like I tell my husband sometimes

when my cooking projects don’t do so good, hey didn’t meet me in the kitchen, you

met me in the roping pen. Better food presentation

would have been fun, but at least it tasted yummy.

The blackberry plants were making so many berries

I was harvesting about 4 cups per day. Of course

between my mother and I eating while we pick, I

have about one pie’s worth in the freezer for winter.

Restocked on chickens again....

I love to watching the

chickens and turkeys

chasing bugs and run-

ning around the barn


This year we have had

our share of coyotes

trying to get a free chick-

en dinner. I’m keeping

the birds penned up as they show up at all hours,

even during the afternoon. We’ve had them laying

under the fruit trees like domestic dogs, like they

“live” here too. The chickens are pretty good at

telling on them with their warning squaks. Our dogs

in the house will start having a fit when they hear

the chickens start their tattle-telling. Make sure and

step aside as the dogs bust thru the doggie door

heading out for the morning chase.

One coyote wasn’t to scared by them and turned

to fight. I headed for the rifle but by the time we got

back out there he had hit the high road.

Watch out you big Coyotes...your day is coming!


©Everything Horses and Livestock


August 2016
