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There was a tie between T. F. McKeever and

J. P. Kennedy (Carrickmacross) for the Society's

Cup and the Captain's Prize, each having 72 strokes.

The latter won by half a stroke on the second

nine, but Frank McKeever, with his score of 72,

won the Patrick's Plate and the Prize for the

Runner-up. The best gross went to J. McCarroll

of. Wicklow with a score of 83.

The Veterans'

Cup was won by W. J. O'Reilly with a score of 87.

In the afternoon a Fourball Competition was

played, which was won by P. R. Boyd and J. D.

Rooney with one up.

The dinner in the Clubhouse was presided over

by the Captain, J. J. Hickey, who referred to the

large number of country members present, and

expressed the hope that country Solicitors would

support the Society to the full now that the petrol

restrictions were easier. He welcomed especially

two very old members of the Society who had

not been with us for some years, viz., Michael

Dwyer (County Registrar for Wicklow) and E. W.


Those taking part in the musical pro–

gramme were R. J. Tierney, P. J. Kennedy and

J. P. Kennedy, with Des. McLoughlin at the piano.

The venue for the Autumn Meeting of the

Society is receiving the attention of the Committee.

The President of the Incorporated Law Society

has very kindly suggested that the outing should

be held at Greenore, and that if the members

wished, a pleasant week-end could be arranged

at the hotel there. Will all Solicitors interested

in the Society who are not already members please

communicate with the Hon. Sec., A. Marshall,

119 Stephen's Green, Dublin, who will give them

full information.


MR. MICHAEL A. HUMPHREYS, Solicitor, died in the

Richmond Hospital, Dublin, on


May, 1946.

Mr. Humphreys served his apprenticeship with

Mr. T. P. Robinson, Dublin, was admitted in

Hilary Sittings, 1939, and practised as a partner in

the firm of Messrs. O'Hanlon & Robinson at

3 Lr. O'Connell Street, Dublin.

MR. ROBERT C. BANNISTER, Solicitor, died suddenly

in Dublin on 7th May, 1946.

Mr. Bannister served his apprenticeship with the

late Joseph Alien, Lisburn, was admitted in Trinity

Sittings, 1907, and practised in Lisburn.

MR. AIDEN E. R. MACCABE, Solicitor, died at his

residence, " Swellan," Cavan, on nth May, 1946.

Mr. MacCabe served his apprenticeship with the

late Frederick E. Kennedy, Cavan, was admitted

Hilary Sittings, 1917, and practised in Cavan.

MR. AUSTIN J. C. CREAN, Solicitor, died at his

residence, Windsor Villa, Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo,

on i zth May, 1946.

Mr. Crean served his apprenticeship with the late

Thomas J. MacGrath, Dublin, was admitted in

Hilary Sittings, 1910, and practised in Ballyhaunis.

He was appointed Sheriff for County Mayo in 1922.


JOHN GIRVIN, Solicitor, died at

133 Templeogue Road, Dublin, on 25th May, 1946.

Mr. Girvin was admitted in Hilary Sittings,

1880, and practised in Kilorglin up to the year

1916. He subsequently practised at Keady, Co.

Armagh. He retired from practice some years ago.

MR. EDWARD J. MALLINS, Solicitor, died at his

residence, 9 Rosmeen Gardens, Sandycove, Co.

Dublin, on 29th May, 1946.

Mr. Mallins served his apprenticeship with the

late John Ruckley, Dublin, and the late Arthur

E. Vincent, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings,

1898, and practised at 23 Kildare Street, Dublin,

as a member of the firm of Murphy and Mallins

up to the year 1936.

Subsequently, he practised

in his own name at 2 Upper Ely Place, Dublin.

Mr. Mallins was a member of the Council of

the Incorporated Law Society from the year 1930

to 1941.

He was a Vice-President for the year



MR. EDWARD RYAN, Solicitor, formerly of the firm

of Messrs. Moran & Ryan, Lr. Ormond Quay,

Dublin, has been appointed a District Justice.


(i) Entries will be accepted from solicitors for the

Registry under


following headings: Sec–

tion A. Practices








B. Practices,

partnerships and assistantships sought;


C. Miscellaneous


required, books,

office equipment, etc., wanted or for sale.

(2) Each

entry accepted will be made in the appropriate

section of the register which is open for inspection


the Society's offices during business hours.

Each entry accepted will also be published once

in the Society's


If the advertiser wishes,

the entry and advertisement in the


may be

over a box number.

(3) Charges for each entry in

the Register (including one publication





members of the Society


for 30 words or less and id. for each additional

word over 30. Other solicitors double the rate