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consideration of a fine as well as a rent does not

attract the new rates of duty.

It is understood that

the Revenue Commissioners have served notice of

appeal against the decision. Pending determination

of the appeal it would seem that the declaration of

the High Court as to the existing law binds both the

Revenue Commissioners and die tax payer. Section 12

of die Stamp Act, 1891, provides that subject to such

regulations us die Commissioners may think fit to

make, the Commissioners may be required by any

person to express their opinion with reference to any

executed instrument upon the following questions: —

(a) Whedier it is chargeable with any duty.

(b) With what amount of duty it is chargeable.

The Commissioners are to assess the duty with

which it is, in their opinion chargeable, and

when die instrument is stamped in accordance

with the assessment, it may be stamped with

a particular stamp denoting that it is duly


Note. Since the above note was printed judgment

has been delivered by the Supreme Court dismissing

the appeal of the Revenue Commissioners.


NOTIFICATION has been received from the Department

of Justice that the procedure in the case of road

accidents whereby an abstract from the report of the

Garda Siochana on the accident may be supplied to

interested persons, has recently been revised. In future,

interested parties will, on request, be supplied widi

copies of written statements made by witnesses

including members of the Garda.

These documents

may be made available even where criminal proceed

ings are pending, provided that the Gardai are satis

fied that this will not affect the course of justice.


THE Calendar and Law Directory of the Society has

been on sale since April nth.

It is regretted that

owing to difficulties in the printing trade publication

was delayed. The Council realise that the delay in

the publishing of the Calendar

is unsatisfactory.

Every effort has been made to speed up the printing,

but the delay is due to matters which are outside the

Society's control. After supplying orders already

received a limited number is still available, and any

solicitor requiring a copy should order it immediately.


AN Intermediate Examination will be held on ist

June. The latest date for lodging notice of intention

to attend the examination will be nth May.




Copy Letter From Department of External

Affairs Dated 4th April, 1949.


I am directed by die Minister for External Affairs

to inform you that a communication has been received

by die Legation in Washington from Rosalind G.

Bates, President of the International Federation of

Women Lawyers in connection widi the Fifth Con

ference of that organisation to be held in Los Angeles

from May I5th-i9th, 1949.

On behalf of the Federation she extends an invita

tion to Irish women lawyers to attend this Conference,

and has asked the Legation in Washington to convey

it to such Irish lawyers as might be interested.

It is stated that the objects of this organisation

include die creation of better international relations,

die establishment of scholarships and in particular the

improvement of conditions of women and children.

The address of the President of the Federation is

354 So. Spring Street, Suite 629, Los Angeles 13,


Mise, le meas,




Incorporated Law Society of Ireland,

Solicitors Buildings,

Four Courts, Dublin.


Section A.

WANTED—Qualified Assistant or first class Law Clerk

for established Limerick practice. Box A. 122.

Section B.

QUALIFIED Solicitor, 2 years general experience some

private means, seeks assistantship, preferably with a

view to partnership. Box B. 141.