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Ten-Year Network Development Plan 2017 Annex F: Methodology

The Uncooperative Supply Source Dependence of the Zone Z to the source S is

defined as:

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The availability of source S is set down to zero


The availability of the other sources is not changed


The cost of disruption is set flat and at the same level for each Zone


Modelling of the European gas system under the whole year

The Uncooperative Supply Source Dependence of the Zone Z to the source S is defined as:




is the disrupted total gas demand


is the total gas demand

The lower the value of USSD, the lower the dependence.

Cooperative Supply Source Dependence (CSSD)


This indicator identifies Zones where the physical supply and demand balance depends strongly

on a single supply source, when all Zones together try to minimise the shared relative impact

(the flow pattern resulting from modelling will spread the dependence as wide as possible in

order to mitigate as far as possible the dependence of the most dependent Zones).

It is calculated for each Zone vis-à-vis each source under a whole year as the succession of an

Average Summer and an Average Winter.


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The Supply Source Dependence of all Zones to source S is calculated as follows (steps 1 to 4 are

repeated for each source):


The availability of sourc S is set down to zero


The availability of the other sourc s is not changed


The cost of disruption is set flat and at the same level for each Zone


Modelling of the European gas system under the whol year

The Uncooperative Supply Source Dependence of the Zone Z to the source S is defined as:




is the disrupted total gas demand


is the total gas demand

The lower the value of USSD, the lower the dependence.

Coop rative Supp y Source Dependence (CSSD)


This indicator identifies Zones where the physical supply and demand balance depends strongly

on a sing supply source, when all Zones together try to minimise the shared relative impact

(the flow pattern resulting from modelling will spread the depe dence as wide as possible in

order to mitigate as far as possible the dependence of the most dependent Zones).

It is calculated for each Zone vis-à-vis each source under a whole year as the succession of an

Average Summer and an Average Winter.

 is t i

t t l s de and

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The Supply Source ependence of all Zones to source S is calculated as follo s (steps 1 to 4 are

rep ated for ea h source):


The availability of sourc S is set do n t z ro


The availability of the other sourc s is not changed


The cost of disruption is set flat and at the sa e level for each Zone


odelling of the European gas syste under the hole year

The ncooperative Supply Source ependence of the Zone Z to the source S is defined as:

W re:


is the disrupted total gas de and


is the total gas demand

The lo er the value of SS , the lower the dependence.

Cooperative Supply Source ep ndence (CSS )


This indicator identifies Zones here the physical supply and de and balance depends strongly

on a single supply source, hen all Zones together try to ini ise the shared relative i pact

(the flo pattern resulting from odelling ill spread the dependence as ide as possible in

order to itigate as far as possible the dependence of the ost dependent Zones).

It is calculated for each Zone vis-à-vis each source under a whole year as the succession of an

Average Summer and an verage inter.

 is t l

The lower the value of USSD is, the lower the dependence.

4.2.4 Cooperative Supply Source Dependence (CSSD)

This indicator identifies Zones wh re the physical supply a d demand balance de-

pends str ngly on a single upply source, when all Zones togeth r try to minimise

the h red relative i pact (t e flo patt rn resulting from modelling will spread the

dependence as wide as possibl in order to mitigate as far as possible the depend-

ence of the most dependent Zones).

It is calculated for each Zone vis-à-vis each source under a whole year as the suc-

cession of an Average Summer and an Average Winter.

The Supply Source Dependence of all Zones to source S is calculated as follow

(steps 1 to 4 are repeated for each source):


The availability of source S is set down to zero


The availability of the other sources is not changed


The cost of disruption is escalating by step of 10% of demand with the same

price steps for each Zone


Modelling of the European gas system under the whole year

The Cooperative Supply Source Dependence of the Zone Z to the source S is defined


TYNDP 2017

Annex F

Assessment Methodology

The Supply Source Dependence of all Zones to source S is alculated as follow (steps 1 to 4 are

repeated for each source):


The availability of source S is set down to zero


The availability of the other sources is not changed


The cost of disruption is escalating by step of 10% of demand with the same price steps

for each Zone. This ensures a cooperative behaviour.


Modelling of the European gas system under the whole year

The Cooperative Supply Source Dependence of the Zone Z to the source S is defined as:




is the disrupted total gas demand


is the total gas demand

The lower the value of CSSD, the lower the dependence.

Supply Source Price Diversification (SSPDi)


This indicator measures the ability of each Zone to take benefits from an alternative decrease of

the price of each supply source (such ability does not always mean that the Zone has a physical

access to the source).

For the calculation of this indicator:

the minimum supply constraint is removed for each supply source

the maximum supply constraint is removed for the studied supply source

It is calculated for each Zone under a whole year as the succession of an Average Summer and

Average Winter.


TYNDP 2017

Annex F

Assessment Methodology

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Uncooperative Supply Source Dependence (USSD)


This indicator identifies Zones whose physical supply and demand balance depends strongly on

a single supply source when each Zone tries to minimise its wn dependen e (the Zones cl sest

to the consid red source are lik ly to be the more dependent).

It is calculated for each Zone vis-à-vis each source under a whole year as the succession of an

Average Summer and an Average Winter.

The Supply Source Dependence of all Zones to source S is calculated as follows (steps 1 to 4 ar

repeated for each source):


The availability of source S is set down to zero


The availability of the other sources is not changed


The cost of disruption is set flat and at th same level for each one


Modelling of th European gas system under the whol year

The Uncooperative Supply Source Dependence of the Zone Z to the source S is defined as:




is the disrupted total gas demand


is the total gas demand

The lower the value of USSD, the lower the dependence.

Cooperative Supply Source Dependence (CSSD)


This indicator identifies Zones where the physical supply and demand balance depends strongly

on a single supply source, when all Zones together try to minimise the shared relative impact

( e flow pattern resulting from modelling will spread the dependence as wide as possible in

order to mitigate as far as possible the dependence f the most dependent Zones).

It is calculated for each Zone vis-à-vis each source under a whole year as the succession of an

Average Summer and an Average Winter.

 is t i r t t l s de and

TYNDP 2017

Annex F

Assess ent ethodology

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Uncooperative Supply Source ependence ( SS )


This indicator identifies Zones hose physical supply and de and balance depends strongly on

a single supply source hen each Zone tries to ini ise its o n dependence (the Zones closest

to the considered source are likely to be the ore dependent).

It is calculated for each Zone vis-à-vis ach source u der a hole year as the succession of an

v rage Su er and an verage inter.

The Supply Sourc ependence of all Zones to source S is calculated as follo s (steps 1 to 4 ar

repeated for each source):


The availability of sourc S is set do n to zero


The availabili y of the other sources is not changed


The cost of disruption is set flat and at the sa e level for each Zone


Modelling of the European gas syste under the hole year

The ncooperative Supply Source ependence of the Zone Z to the source S is defined as:



is the disrupted total gas de and


is the total gas de and

The lo er the value of SS , the lo er the dependence.

Cooperative Supply Source ependence (CSS )


This indicator identifies Zones here the physical supply and de and balance depends strongly

on a single supply source, hen all Zones together try to ini ise the shared relative i pact

(t e flo pattern resulting fro odelling ill spread the dependence as ide as possible in

order to itigate as far as possible the dependence f the ost dependent Zones).

It is calculated for each Zone vis-à-vis each source under a hole year as the succession of an

verage Su er and an verage inter.

 is the total gas

The lower the value of CSSD is, the lower the dependence.