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taying forever youthful, energetic, healthy, and strong are qualities that each

aging individual hopes to achieve and strives for daily. There are many beauty

products on the market that create false promises of offering eternal beauty and

health in a bottle, but only a few of them actually deliver the results that they

guarantee from the very start.

Today, we bring you Neocell, a company founded in 1998 that has

successfully turned into the #1 collagen brand in the world, due to

offering high-quality collagen-based supplements that “allow people to

live younger, longer lives with abundant energy and well-being”.

Neocell’s start in the beauty and wellness industry was similar to that of

other small businesses. The company started as a family-owned business

that eventually realized and took advantage of the opportunity to grow the

brand and expand its potential across

America. What makes Neocell really

unique is the personal and inspiring

story of its founder, Al Quadri.

Al attributes the vision and success

behind his business to the unfortunate

health complications he experienced in

his life. After enduring a heart attack

and bypass surgery, Al knew that the

road to recovery was going to be a long

and difficult one. During his recovery,

Al began to notice consistent fatigue

in his daily mental and physical well-being, and soon he was not able to

do the things he once was able to easily do. It was this time that Al decided

to take matters into his own hands, and as he began to research holistic

therapies and practices, he came across the surprisingly powerful forces of

collagen. For a while, the role of collagen had been underestimated, but

through effective study and research, Al noticed the importance of collagen

in helping to build, repair, and strengthen muscle mass and connective

tissue. Within a few weeks of taking collagen supplements, Al’s recovery

quickly progressed and he was able to regain his vitality in no time.

Not wanting to keep his rich discovery a secret any longer, Al set out on a

life mission to deliver premium quality collagen-based supplements, and

have others experience the life-changing results that allowed him to feel

regenerated and alive again.

Today, Neocell is the “#1 collagen brand in the world and a leader in the

field of nutritional science”. The brand carries an extensive product line,

consisting of a variety of supplements that aid in joint health, muscle

health, antioxidant health, and total body health. Their products are not

only effective, but they taste great too thanks to the infusion of rich, exotic

flavors such as pomegranate, acai berry, and tangerine. Every time you use

a Neocell product, you can be assured that what you are taking was made

using “cutting edge research and manufacturing processes”, which in the

end deliver effective, high-quality collagen-based products that are

“standardized for maximum absorption” to ensure that you are receiving

the most optimal and functional bioactive support.

Besides consistently creating top-of-the-line products, Neocell takes their

business efforts one step further by making an effort to help preserve and

protect our environment. That is why the brand proudly uses packaging

made with “100% recycled Post Consumer Resin”, in an effort to

minimize the waste that goes into our beautiful environment. Neocell also

takes the stand as a proud and dedicated supporter of Vitamin Angels, and

the brand has generously provided the organization with donations that

were able to change the lives of over 120,000 children all over the world,

by providing them with the essential nutrients they need for optimal

growth and function.

Neocell is dedicated to improving the health and overall well-being of

people everywhere is visible in all of their efforts. Their passionate

commitment and consistency in creating exceptional products has allowed

the brand to grow and become a leader in its competitive industry. To us,

it seems that Neocell is on a never-ending journey to continually find and

create the most innovative and effective nutraceutical supplements.

Paula Wiszowaty–

spotlight on...


Al Quadri