Dear Readers,
It is a great pleasure to introduce the seventh volume of the Czech Yearbook of
Public & Private International Law (CYIL), appearing, as usual, in October. Autumn
is the period of wine harvest but also the period of many international conferences
and of the debate of the Sixth (legal) Committee of the United Nations. It is most
likely the right time for readers of this Yearbook interested in developments in
international law and its codification.
The Czech Yearbook is a scholarly publication of the Czech Society of
International Law, acting in cooperation with the Czech Branch of the International
Law Association. The above institutions and the Editorial Board of the CYIL are
proud that the Yearbook is growing and maturing.
As you know, the CSIL publishes the Yearbook in both printed and electronic
(www.cyil.eu). Since last year the Czech Yearbook has been included, in
addition to the Czech index of scholarly peer-reviewed journals (RVVI), in the
SCOPUS international database. We are the first Czech law journal admitted to
SCOPUS. And it seems, on the basis of discussions of editors of international law
journals present at the ESIL conference in Riga in September 2016, that this is an
important achievement, compared with other European journals, some of them
having a much longer tradition. Since 2014 the Czech Yearbook has been published
by new international publishers, RW&W, Science & New Media, Passau-Berlin-
Praha, and distributed through the company Südost Service GmbH abroad, mostly
in Germany.
However, rich and interesting content is and must be, in our opinion, as
important as the form. Volume 7 (2016) presents a variety of studies and articles
covering many issues of contemporary International and European law. It includes,
inter alia
, studies and articles on a determination of
, an inclusion of the
crime of aggression into the Rome Statute of the ICC, the use of force, ISIS, unilateral
economic sanctions and international administrative law.
Like last year, the CYIL also presents a section on International law and EU law,
including the role of habitual residence bearing on public and private international
law and the EU law. Two other articles focus on the equality of treatment of
economically inactive EU citizens and recent CJEU case law limiting the access of
migrants to social assistance.
An important number of articles deal with international human rights law, in
particular from the perspective of the Council of Europe’s system, including the
status of new minorities, right to privacy and surveillance and right to a fair trial in
asylum procedures, as well as international humanitarian and international criminal
law and justice.