CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ
the observers recognized the usefulness of information from previous inspections and
information obtained from EIES. However, they pointed out that the pre-seasonal
report was sometimes lacking. Training of the personnel working at the stations was
mentioned also by this inspection.
That the topic of inspections deserves particular attention was recognized also on
the basis of a Korean document in which a proposal for creation of a new model of
inspections was made. The presented vision included enhanced logistic and human
cooperation, improvement of current procedures, and it counted with a follow up
procedure on inspections.
The Meeting agreed to establish an Intersessional Contact
Group that would describe the practice of conducting inspections, and it would
further look into options how to enhance the effective organisation of inspection.
The Indian paper can serve as an example which confirms that the inspections are an
effective tool for improvement of stations, as it shows which steps were taken in order
to address the recommendations made by previous inspections.
Within the agenda item of tourism and non-governmental activities a heated
debate took place. One of the reasons was the question of enhanced cooperation
among Competent Authorities for tourism and non-governmental activities. Despite
the existence of Resolution 3 (2004), according to which the Parties should consult
each other during the evaluation of activities that are to be performed in Antarctica,
it seems that this resolution is not fully abided by States. The Meeting therefore
agreed to create a list of Competent Authorities on the ATS website which would
be easily accessible and publicly available. In addition, a sub-forum for exchange of
information among Competent Authorities will be created on the ATS website, so
they can inform each other on requests for permission, authorisation and any other
matter related to tourism and non-governmental activities. It was recognized that
early communication among Competent Authorities is a key to prevent illegal and
unauthorised activities.
The report that raised concerns among all those present at the Meeting, was
a British document on yachting activities in Antarctica.
Out of 41 yachts, one vessel
was denied authorisation but had been seen in Antarctica. There were another two
yachts that were supposedly without any authorisation, and it was not possible to
find out whether another four yachts had or had not the authorisation; all of them
had been sighted in Antarctica. The Meeting unanimously rejected the unauthorised
yacht activities in Antarctica and expressed willingness to ensure that such activities
were adequately investigated.
concluded that joint scientific collaboration could further intensify. Another general recommendation
aimed at improvements of waste management system. The inspection was also concerned with minimising
risk of introduction of non-native species and diseases.
Information paper 102.
Background paper 5.
Working paper 34.