CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ
The Survey covers Czech books, articles, chapters and conference proceedings
dealing with international law and also texts of Czech authors published abroad
that appeared during 2015 and the first half of 2016. It includes also selected texts
focused on private international law, European Law and the Czech constitutional law
that all reflect international law aspects. The division between sections I and II in part
B is indicative only; many articles deal with public international as well as private
international (or also European or municipal) aspects of an analysed issue.
As in previous years, individuals and the international legal aspects of their
status were standing in the centre of attention of Czech scholars. In the edition
series called Studie z lidských práv [Studies in human rights] Charles University
in Prague issued two collective monographs focused on humanitarian law and
migrants and refugees. A team of authors lead by Veronika Bílková presented a work
dealing with humanitarian law:
Mezinárodní humanitární právo – vznik, vývoj a nové
[International humanitarian law – origins, developments and new challenges].
Věra Honusková, Eliška Flídrová, Linda Janků together with other authors prepared
a book
Dnes migranti – zítra uprchlící? Postavení migrantů, kteří potřebují ochranu v
mezinárodním právu
[Today Migrants – Tomorrow Refugees? Legal Status of Migrants
who seek protection under International Law]. The team of authors of both mentioned
publications consisted of many young Czech scholars and PhD candidates; for some of
them this was one of their first opportunities to participate in such a publication project
and a possibility to present the results of their research.
Different aspects of human rights were discussed in Pavel Šturma, Narciso
Leandro Xavier Baez (eds)
International and internal mechanisms of fundamental rights
(where many Czech authors participated) and in Ivo Pospíšil, Vladimír
Týč et al.,
Mezinárodní lidskoprávní závazky postkomunistických zemí: případy České
republiky a Slovenska
[International Human Rights Obligations of Post-communist
Countries: Examples of the Czech Republic and Slovakia]. Alla Tymofeyeva studied
the relation between NGOs and human rights protection in the European area in
her book
Non-governmental Organisations under the European Convention on Human
Rights: Exceptional Legal Standing.
Also other international law topics were covered by Czech scholars in 2015;
e.g. Pavel Šturma, Veronika Bílková and Jan Ondřej edited a collective monograph
Mezinárodní právo a státní území
[International Law and Territory of of State].
In the field of public international law, the Czech academic environment is still
working hard on the reflection of new Czech regulation, in force from 2014. A team
of authors fromMasaryk University in Brno, led by Naděžda Rozehnalová, published
Czech Private International Law,
and Professors Zdeněk Kučera, Monika Pauknerová