CYIL 7 ȍ2016Ȏ
taking armed actions in self-defence in advance of an armed attack such terms as
“anticipatory”, “pre-emptive” or even “preventive” self-defence have been used. The
ILA Report used the term “anticipatory” in a broad meaning as a general term for
all self-defence measures taken prior to an armed attack. The term “pre-emptive”
has been used in connection with measures claimed to be defending against future
attack, even if these attacks are not imminent or specific. The Report mentioned
a “relatively wide interpretation of self-defence”, adopted by the Bush administration
following Sept. 2001, with the reference to rogue state”, terrorists and weapons of
mass destruction.
The view is here reflected that the right to self-defence does
exist in relation to manifestly imminent attacks, “narrowly construed”. Besides, the
Report contains an opinion that requirements of necessity and proportionality will
further constrain the anticipatory use of force which must give primacy to effective
measures by the UNSC.
The ICJ stressed that “the submission of the exercise of the right of self-
defence to the conditions of necessity and proportionality is a rule of customary
international law.”
The application of both principles, according the ILA Report,
presupposes a legally justified resort to self-defence, lawful recourse to the use of
armed force. The action taken in self-defence can include “the need to defend the
state from continuation of imminent attacks, and not only repel the attack of the
moment. Any measures taken in self-defence must adhere according to the principle
of necessity, referring to the 1837 Carolina incident.
This case serves as a rule
for justification of “self-help” or “self-defence” in international customary law. In
literature the principle of necessity is combined with the “additional” principle of
proportionality. The Report maintains that the measures taken in self-defence must
be “proportionate to the armed attack.”
In practice it is always difficult to decide
when enforcement measures are excessive, based on necessity and proportionality
principles. The parties to armed conflicts rarely took both principles into account.
5. Rescue of Nationals Abroad and Intervention on Invitation
5.1 Rescue actions
The subject of rescue of nationals abroad is also a subject of controversy in
international law. The sending of armed forces onto the territory of another state
without permission of the territorial state represents a violation of Art. 2 (4) of
the UN Charter. Arguments in favour of such operations abroad insist that these
operations are not directed against the territorial integrity or political integrity of
Supra note 1, p. 15.
ICJ Nicaragua, para 176, see note 30; ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of
Nuclear Weapons, 1996, para 41; see ICJ Reports Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda, para 147.
Supra note 1, p. 12.
See supra note 1, p. 13.