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Prophy Paste
- DMGAmerica
Premium splatter-free fluoride formulas with fla-
vors developed in consultation with food industry
professionals. 1.23% fluoride sweetened with
Xylitol. Gluten free.
Bubblegum Fine...............
990-788417Triple Mint Fine.................
990-788401Triple Mint Medium...........
990-788402Triple Mint Coarse ............
990-788403Triple Mint Xtra-Coarse ....
990-788404Cherry Burst Medium.......
990-788406Cherry Burst Coarse ........
990-788407Carnival Pak Fine.............
990-788408Carnival Pak Medium.......
990-788409200 cups/box 2/pkg...........................
(Carnival Pak includes 100 cups Cotton Candy
and 100 cups Blue Raspberry)
Prophy Gems
- Biotrol
1.23% fluoride ion with phosphate. Low splatter,
great taste and rinses easily. Paste has excellent
consistency and the ring is even recyclable after
Bubblegum Fine....................
990-133BGCool Mint Fine.......................
990-101CMCool Mint Medium.................
990-102CMCool Mint Coarse ..................
990-103CMCool Mint X-Coarse...............
990-104CMCinnamon Medium................
990-112CICinnamon Coarse.................
990-113CIVanilla Orange Medium.........
990-152VOVanilla Orange Coarse..........
990-153VOWild Berry Medium................
990-122WBWild Berry Coarse.................
Assorted Medium
Mint, Cinnamon, Wild Berry
Assorted Coarse
Mint, Cinnamon, Wild Berry
Prophy Paste -
Features an optimal formulation of abrasives
and adhesive properties designed for low splat-
ter and great stain removal.Gluten-free, contains
xylitol, and 1.23% fluoride! Every bag of paste
contains a special autoclavable Zooby Animal
prophy paste gripper with a wide base, which
allows the clinician to hold the paste cup with
ease. The animal grips include a Turtle, Hippo
and Gator.
Spearmint Safari Coarse..............
990-601010Spearmint Safari Medium ............
990-601110Spearmint Safari Fine .................
990-601210Growlin Grape Coarse ................
990-602010Growlin Grape Medium ...............
990-602110Growlin Grape Fine .....................
990-602210Happy Hippo Cake Coarse..........
990-603010Happy Hippo Cake Medium ........
990-603110Happy Hippo Cake Fine ..............
990-603210Chocolate Chow Coarse .............
990-604010Chocolate Chow Medium............
990-604110Chocolate Chow Fine..................
990-604210Gator Gum Coarse......................
990-605010Gator Gum Medium ....................
990-605110Gator Gum Fine ..........................
990-605210Turtle Melon Coarse....................
990-606010Turtle Melon Medium .................. 990-606110
Turtle Melon Fine ........................
990-606210Animal Pack Assortment Coarse.
990-600010Animal Pack Assortment Medium
990-600110Animal Pack Assortment Fine .....
Extra Care Prophy Paste -
DENTSPLY Professional
The only prophy paste powered by NovaMin. It
contains fluoride, calcium and phosphate ions
for improved oral health. NovaMin calcium phos-
phate technology releases the natural building
blocks of teeth to help build an enamel-like min-
eral layer. The paste can also be applied before
or after scaling to relieve sensitivity, and is avail-
able in two different grits: Polish, which is a fine
to medium grit, and Stain Removal, which is a
medium to course grit. Dye-free, gluten-free and
Polish Fine-Med. ..............................
.990-801600Stain Removal Med. Coarse.............
Polish Fine-Med ...............................
.990-801602Stain Removal Med-Coarse .............
.990-801603Citrus Mint
Polish Fine-Med ...............................
.990-801604Stain Removal Med-Coarse .............
Polish Fine-Medium .........................
.990-801606Stain Removal Med-Coarse .............
Non-Fluoride Spearmint
Polish Fine-Med ...............................
Prophylaxis Paste
With fluoride/box of 200.
Fine - 380gm (13.4oz.)
Bubblegum Extreme ........
990-801302Cookie Dough ..................
990-801308Fruit Punch.......................
990-801332Grape ..............................
990-801225Mint .................................
990-801232Orange ............................
990-801231Orange Vanilla .................
990-801317Orange w/out Fluoride .....
990-801235Razzberry ........................
990-801311Strawberry Vanilla ............
990-801314PROPHY PASTE
Medium - 400gm (14.1oz)
Bubblegum Extreme ........
990-801301Cherry Blast.....................
990-801321Chocolate Bliss ................
990-801330Cookie Dough ..................
990-801307Fruit Punch.......................
990-801333Grape ..............................
990-801222Mint w/out Fluoride...........
990-801223Orange ............................
990-801221Orange Vanilla .................
990-801318Pina Colada .....................
990-801335Razzberry ........................
990-801310Strawberry Vanilla ............
990-801313Coarse - 400gm (14.2oz.)
Bubblegum ......................
990-801300Cherry Blast.....................
990-801322Chocolate Bliss ................
990-801331Cookie Dough ..................
990-801306Fruit Punch.......................
990-801334Grape ..............................
990-801227Mint .................................
990-801212Mint w/out Fluoride...........
990-801213Orange ............................
990-801211Orange Vanilla .................
990-801319Pina Colada .....................
990-801336Razzberry ........................
990-801309Strawberry Vanilla ............
990-801312Variety Pack
Contains: 200 single dose cups, 1 prophy grip, 1
prophy ring.
Adult Coarse ...................
950-638028Child Medium ..................
Plus - 400gm (14.1oz.)
Mint Fluoride ...................
NUPRO Prophy Paste Jars
Cherry Blast Coarse.........
990-801171Grape Coarse...................
990-801127Mint Medium ....................
990-801122Mint Coarse .....................
990-801112Orange Coarse ................