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The wine we call " Claret " is, or should be, the

exclusive produce of the Dfepartenient of the Gironde.

The vineyards of the Gironde may be divided into

six principal categories, namely :

1. Medoc. a strip of land some fifty miles long

by six miles wide, lying on the south bank of the

River Gironde. This district produces the "cele

brated wines of Chat. Margaux, Chat. Lafite, Chat.

Latour, etc.

2. Graves. A small district lying just outside

Bordeaux extending some twenty kilometres to the

west of that city. This district is chiefly renowned

in England for its white wines, but it is not so

generally known that it produces a much larger

quantity of red wines, such as, for instance, the

celebrated Chat. Haut Brion.

3. Sauternes and Barsac. A small district

south of the Graves, on the south bank of the

River Gironde. This district owes its fame entirely

to its fine white wines, the most celebrated of which

is Chat. Y'Quem.

4. Entre-deux-mers. a district comprised

between the River Dordogne on the north, and the

River Gironde on the south, lying in the Departe-

ment of the Gironde. Produces sound, useful


5. St. Emilion and Pomerol. A hilly district

north of the River Dordogne in the Arrondissement