There are a vast number of sports clubs in Hong Kong, for more details visit the Hong Kong Sporting
Association’s web sit
e www.hkolympic.org and view the National Sports Associations Directory
General Sports
Boot Camp
Tel: 2869 6883
www.bootcamp.com.hkHong Kong and New territories.
Tel: 2504 8332
www.hkdba.com.hkHong Kong Amateur
Swimming Association
Tel: 2572 8594
hkasa@hkasa.org.hkHong Kong Cycling Association
Tel: 2573 3861
Hong Kong Baseball Association
Tel: 2504 8330
www.hksdb.org.hk/baseball index.htmHong Kong Equestrian Federation
Tel: 2464 2800
hkef@netvigator.comHong Kong Golf Association
Tel: 2522 8804
Hong Kong Tennis Association
Tel: 2504 8266
www.tennishk.orgHong Kong Trithalon Association
Tel: 2504 8282
www.triathlon.com.hkPublic Sport Centres
Public sports facilities and locations vary;
see the Government Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (HKSAR) website for
more details and locations.
The Government of HKSAR
Leisure and Cultural Services
near you:
The Government of HKSAR
Leisure and Cultural Services
www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/ ls_park.php