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Whether contempt is civil or criminal is

sometimes unclear. In such cases, the test

is to look at the “dominant purposes for

which the sanctions are imposed” in the

particular case.


, 200 Ill.App.3d at

47. If the purpose is predominantly pun-

ishment for past conduct, the contempt

proceeding is characterized as criminal. If

the purpose is predominantly coercive to

induce future compliance, the contempt

proceeding is characterized as civil.



200 Ill.App.3d at 47.

Friendly contempt

A friendly contempt order holds someone

in contempt solely as a legal fiction, to

make an otherwise non-appealable inter-

locutory order appealable under Supreme

Court Rule 304(b)(5). That rule allows an

appeal as of right from a contempt order

that imposes a punishment. In a friendly

contempt, order one of the parties or her

attorney is held in contempt of court for

not complying with the court’s order, and

a nominal punishment is imposed, often a

$100 fine. In the appeal from the friendly

contempt order pursuant to Rule 304(b)

(5), the reviewing court determines the

propriety of the underlying order.

Friendly contempt orders are often

entered where the order involved is

not appealable but raises a good faith

dispute on either a legal question of

first impression or a discovery issue.


re Marriage of Nash and Alberola,


IL App (1st) 113724-B, ¶ 30;

In re Mar-

riage of Radzik and Agrella,

2011 IL App

(2d) 100374, ¶ 67.

A friendly contempt proceeding is gen-

erally initiated by the party who did not

prevail on the underlying interlocutory

dispute. That party asks the trial court to

enter a friendly contempt citation against

herself or her attorney, so that she can

perfect an appeal as of right and obtain

an immediate ruling on the issue from the

reviewing court.

Center Partners, Ltd. v.

Growth Head GP, LLC,

2012 IL 113107,

¶ 21;

In re Marriage of Earlywine,


IL App (2d) 110730, ¶ 1. If the motion

is granted, the circuit judge will hold the

party or her attorney in contempt for not

obeying the underlying order and will

impose a nominal fine. Occasionally the

order will specifically recite that the con-

tempt is friendly. Because an appeal from

a contempt order imposing any punish-

ment–no matter how small–is appealable as

of right, the Appellate Court must hear the



. Rule 304(b)(5). The review-

ing court then adjudicates not whether

the party willfully disobeyed the order,

but rather the propriety of the underlying

order. If the underlying discovery order

is invalid, then the contempt must be


In re D.H. x rel. Powell

, 319 Ill.

App.3d 771, 773 (1st Dist. 2001).

Judicial authority to enter a friendly con-

tempt order is by no means unlimited. For

example, recently in a martial dissolution

action where interim fees were awarded and

reduced to judgment, the Appellate Court

said that a friendly contempt order should

not be entered where the paying party is

merely in disagreement with the award

rather than acting in good faith to secure

an interpretation of an issue without direct


In re Marriage of Arjmand,


IL App (2d) 160631, par. 12.

No matter what its decision might be

on appeal from a properly entered friendly

contempt order, the reviewing court

generally vacates the contempt finding,

reasoning that the interlocutory order

involved was disobeyed in good faith and

not willfully.


, 2012 IL App (2d)

110730, ¶ 24;

In re All Asbestos Litigation,

385 Ill.App.3d 386, 392 (1st Dist. 2008);

In re Marriage of Squire

, 2015 IL App (2d)

150271, ¶24.

However, if the contemnor was not

acting in good faith to test the propriety

of the underlying order, the contempt will

not be viewed as friendly, and the contempt

order will not be vacated.

Willeford v. Toys

“R” Us–Delaware, Inc.,

385 Ill.App.3d

265, 277 (5th Dist. 2008). That’s always

the risk in a friendly contempt: that the

reviewing court will not see it as quite so

friendly. Of course, a friendly contempt

order would never impose a jail sentence

or a substantial fine or reference a purge

amount, as there is no real intent in a

friendly contempt either to punish the

contemnor or to induce his compliance.

So, fortunately for the person held in

contempt, the downside risk of a friendly

contempt order being held not friendly

is slight.

Richard Lee Stavins is a shareholder in the

law firm of Robbins, Salomon & Patt, Ltd.

in Chicago. He concentrates his practice in

trial and appellate litigation. He is a member

of the CBA Tort and Litigation Committees

and serves on the editorial board of the



#FBF #CBAHistory

The Chicago Bar Association

Myra Colby Bradwell was one of our nation’s leading advocates

for women’s rights and played an important role in breaking

through the barriers that restricted women from practicing law.

As founder and owner of the Chicago Legal News she wrote

many editorials about equality for women, and

about the need for an association of lawyers in Chicago.

Her December 1873 editorial was instrumental in

The Chicago Bar Association’s formation in March 1874.


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