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Public Affairs

Join the Rally for Medical

Research on September 14

On September 14,

Biophysical Society

members will join

individuals from doz-

ens of other research,

health, and patient

advocacy organizations on Capitol Hill to advo-

cate for sustained, predictable, and robust federal

funding for medical research. Over 300 people are

expected to participate in Washington. To make

sure the message is received loud and clear by all

Senate and House members, Society members are

encouraged to participate in the advocacy efforts

on September 14 by calling, tweeting, or writing

to their congressional representatives and asking

them to support funding for the National Insti-

tutes of Health. Follow along online using the

hashtag #RallyMedRes. Information on how you

can participate from home will be available on the

front page of the Biophysical Society website.

US FY 2018 Science Funding:

Where We Stand

With the US fiscal year (FY) 2018 starting in less

than a month on October 1, 2017, Congress has

the month of September to complete appropria-

tions bills and get them signed by the President

or pass a bill providing temporary funding to

keep the government running after October 1.

Congress is currently limited in how much it can

spend by the Budget Control Act of 2011. Unless

there is an agreement to raise the caps imposed by

the act, which the Society has advocated for, it will

be difficult for the House and Senate to come to

an agreement and fund the priorities of the appro-

priations committees. The chart below shows the

funding proposals for science as of August 2017.

Energy Bill Introduced in Senate

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Commit-

tee Chair

Lisa Murkowski

(R-AL) and Ranking


Maria Cantwell

(D-WA) introduced the

Energy and Natural Resources Act of 2017 in late

June. This bill, S. 1460, would authorize pro-

grams at the Department of Energy, including the

Office of Science, and allow for annual 7 percent

increases in the Office’s budget over the next 5

years. The Energy Sciences Coalition, of which

the Biophysical Society is a member, released a

statement thanking Murkowski and Cantwell

for introducing the legislation and applauding

the authorized increases included in the bill. The

bill also continues the Energy Frontier Research

Centers and Energy Innovation Hubs.

The same legislation was passed by the Senate in

the last Congress, but was not considered by the

House. At this time, the House has again not

shown an interest in considering S. 1460.

Federal Funding for Science Agencies (in billions)


FY 2017


FY 2018



FY 18 House



FY 18 Senate



National Institutes of Health




National Science Foundation





Department of Energy Office of Science





NASA Science





NIST Science and Tech Laboratories





Department of Defense Basic Research




(Continued on next page)