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Gas contributes to significantly decrease

particulate pollution (such as SO2 or

NO x ), which has a proven negative

impact on health and quality of life

Collaboration with

the Energy Community

Ever since its founding, ENTSOG has closely supported the work

of the Energy Community. The Energy Community is an interna-

tional organisation dealing with energy policy. The Energy Com-

munity is an international organisation dealing with energy policy

whose mission is to extend the EU internal energy market to

South East Europe and beyond on the basis of a legally binding

framework. The organistion was founded by a treaty in October

2005 in Athens, Greece. The parties to the treaty are the Europe-

an Union and eight contracting parties from South-East Europe

and the Black Sea region.

In 2014, ENTSOG engaged the cooperation

of the Energy Community in different ways. Ac-

cording to Regulation (EC) 715 / 2009, ENTSOG

has to adopt recommendations relating to the

coordination of technical cooperation between

Member States and third country transmission

system operators. ENTSOG and the Energy

Community Secretariat agreed, in a meeting

held at the premises of the Secretariat in Vienna

on 1 October 2014, to continue the positive co-

operation that started in 2013. It was agreed to

have a working level meeting in the first half of

2015. The aim is to support the contracting

parties to the Energy Community in adopting

business rules resulting from the Code.

In addition, it was agreed to engage with third

country TSOs to develop the Early Warning

System, especially given the crisis in Ukraine.

Therefore ENTSOG presented the Early Warning

ENTSOG Annual Report 2014 |