JUL / AUG 2016
Here are what some of our swimmers and parents had to say about the experience:
Nationals was an awesome experience and I'm so glad I did it again this year.
I improved this year and it was great to see that improvement. One of the best
days was when I made finals for my 100 backstroke; I came in dead last but I was
so happy because I beat the PB I had made EARLIER THAT DAY which was the
best feeling ever. I was dancing before my race and everyone (including the
announcer) were amused by it and it was great to have a little bit of fun in such
a serious competition. Overall I had so much fun and I can't wait to do it again
next year!
- Anna Bierley (Team Captain & Senior Swimmer)
I had so much fun at Nationals! I think that it was a great experience for me and
the rest of the team. I think that we all did so well and got so many new PBs.
- Emma Bierley (Senior Swimmer)
TheNationals swimmeet this year was my first one and it was a great experience.
I made new friends and got to know my coach and teammates more. Before the
swim meet I was so nervous that my whole body started to shake but when I got
there it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Music was playing, people were
dancing and laughing. My friends, teammates and coach helped me a lot, and
in the end I got good results because I knew that people were cheering for me.
- Nicole Cheng (Junior Swimmer)
Going to the Singapore National Age Group competition was really fun!! At first
I was really nervous, but once I got used to it, I had fun. Especially if you have a
friend with you. If no one you know is going you could always just hang out with your
team. Since this competition was a big deal, when I did small swim meets it made
me feel more comfortable. This can really boost your confidence in swimming.
- Megan Eyring (Junior Swimmer)
Congratulations to all swimmers who competed at the 47
Singapore National Age Group Swimming Championships that
was held at the OCBC Aquatic Centre in March! The American Club was represented by 11 swimmers who competed with
both local and international swimmers from Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, United
States and Germany. Despite the overwhelmingly large number of competitors and high standard of competition, all the
swimmers swam exceedingly well in their respective events.
Our Junior swimmers recorded an impressive 81% (or 34 out of 42 events) of Personal Best swims in their events and our
Senior swimmers recorded an outstanding 73.7% (or 14 out of 19 events) of Personal Best swims in their events!
Junior Team Members:
Liam Blakney, Avery Bretting, Sofia Bucey, Nicole Cheng, Megan Eyring, Payton Foster and Maile Sullivan
Senior Team Members:
Anna Bierley, Emma Bierley, Kate Dalziel and Mia Lowery