There are some big numbers in this issue of wiredInUSA
– not least Southwire's $786m purchase of Coleman
Cable (page 9), and Time Warner Cable's $600m outlay
for DukeNet Communications (page 12).
While those two stories are, rightly, the lead ones,
another number that deserves special mention is that
of $18,629.65. That is the money raised by the annual
charity week at Allied Wire & Cable, the most successful
of eight charity weeks yet.
That money has been split into two, with $9,214.83
going to the Human Society, which works on behalf
of both domestic animals and wildlife through shelters,
rehabilitation programs and legal advocacy.
The remaining $9,214.83, plus an additional $200
donation from Rowe Industries, goes to the Make-A-Wish
Foundation. Everyone at Allied, and its customers,
should be applauded for the efforts in supporting these
worthwhile causes. The full story is on page 16
David Bell
INDEXwiredInUSA - February 2014