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Volume 13, Number 1 2011


Communicative efficiency was measured by the number

of correct information units per minute (CIU/min) relating to

how quickly and correctly each topic was produced. The

procedure for calculating CIU/min followed Nicholas and

Brookshire’s (1993) rules for analysis.

Breakdown in language production was investigated at

word and utterance levels. The percent of words in mazes

(revisions, repetitions, and filler words) (Miller & Chapman,

2002), number of word errors (Word errs) and number of

utterance level errors (Utt errs) were measured. The number

of dysfluencies as indicated by the percentage of words in

mazes may be an indication of the participant attempting to

correct difficulties in communication either before speaking,

or once she had started speaking (Merlo & Mansur,

2004). Word errors occurred when an incorrect word

was produced. Utterance errors included utterances that

provided incorrect information, or did not add to the overall

flow of the discourse (Ciccone, 2003). These were coded

during transcription and calculated as the total number of

each type of error contained in each sample.

The amount of content recalled by the participant was

measured by the percent of predetermined main ideas (%MI)

and optional ideas (%OI) (Li et al., 1995).


Table 3 provides an example of the procedure, for a familiar

and an unfamiliar topic, played to the participant as well as

the participant’s corresponding discourse samples.

For each measure, the results were grouped according to

familiarity or unfamiliarity to allow for statistical comparison

(see table 4 for the results). Comparisons were undertaken

using a paired-samples t- test or a Mann-Whitney U test

when assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variance

were violated. The alpha level was set at 0.05.

Significant differences in the discourse measures between

familiar and unfamiliar topics were noted. The unfamiliar

topics resulted in a reduction in the speed and accuracy of

discourse production. The slower rate of production was

characterised by a decreased number of words per minute,

an increase in the total amount of pause time, and a reduced

number of correct information units per minute. The samples

also contained a larger number of utterances that provided

incorrect information or information that was conveyed

ineffectively. These utterances had an increased number of

filler words, repetitions and revisions. The unfamiliar samples

also contained fewer optional ideas.


There were statistically significant differences between the

discourse samples produced in response to topics rated as

familiar and unfamiliar. The more familiar topics resulted in

higher quality discourse samples. The number of main ideas

recalled was similar for both familiar and unfamiliar samples.

This result is consistent with the findings of Li et al. (1995)

and when considered in light of the significant difference in

the number of optional ideas recalled suggests that the

unfamiliar topics had an impact on the participant’s ability to

recall all procedural details (Williams et al., 1994). It may also

be evidence of the individual’s lack of previous exposure to

the experiences outlined in the unfamiliar procedural topics.

No significant differences were found between familiar

and unfamiliar topics on the measures of mean length of

utterance (MLU), type token ratio, and the number of word

errors. Williams et al. (1994) found the syntactic complexity

of the utterances increased when participants produced

average of 6 utterances, with 11 words per utterance, and

included an average of 7 main ideas and 3 optional ideas.

The number of main and optional ideas were predetermined,

consistent with Williams et al.’s study (1994). Average word

frequency was calculated for all topics using the word

frequency lists from the MRC psycholinguistic database

(Wilson, 1998). A t-test showed no statistically significant

difference in word frequency between familiar and unfamiliar



(18, 17.21) = .137,


= 0.715.


The participant attended two 60-minute data collection

sessions conducted by the first author. The first session

involved collection of case history information, the

completion of BDAE, and the ranking of procedural topics.

During the second session, the 10 pre-recorded discourse

samples were presented via a laptop computer to the

participant in a random order. Presentation of stimuli and

instructions was consistent with the retell tasks in Williams et

al.’s (1994) and Li et al.’s (1995) studies. After listening to the

discourse sample once, the participant retold the procedure

in her own words. For each discourse topic, she was

prompted to provide as much detail as she could recall.

During discourse production nonspecific prompting was

used such as “can you tell me anything else?” to encourage

as much output as possible for each topic.

Samples were recorded and timed using a JNC USB-350

digital voice recorder with a lapel microphone. Discourse

samples were transcribed using Systematic Analysis of

Language Transcripts software (SALT; Miller & Chapman,

2002) and analysed by the first author.

Discourse analyses

The discourse samples were analysed using the measures

outlined below.

Mean length of utterance (MLU) measured in words

and type token ratio (TTR) were calculated. Mean length

of utterance is a measure of syntactic complexity (Miller &

Chapman, 2002). TTR is a ratio of the number of different

words produced compared to the total number of words

produced and reflects diversity in the lexical items produced

in response to the discourse topics.

Speech rate was measured by the number of words

produced per minute (WPM) which reflects the speed with

which the participant was able to formulate and produce the

language required for each sample. The amount of pause

time compared to the total discourse time was calculated as

a percentage figure (%pauses). This percentage reflected the

amount of additional time required to formulate the language


Table 2. Complete list of familiar and unfamiliar


Familiar topics

Unfamiliar topics

Going grocery shopping

Going mountain climbing

Going out to dinner

Saddling a horse

Clearing the table after dinner Making a clay bowl

Getting children ready for bed Making a bean bag

Getting a haircut

Painting a watercolour landscape

Changing bed sheets

Participating in a marathon walk

Making a cup of tea

Writing a haiku poem

Having a shower

Auditioning for a play

Going to the doctors

Conducting a symphony

Making a sandwich

Preparing to scuba dive