2017 NCYC Rendezvous Schedule
Dear NCYC Members: Below is a list of rendezvous events that are
scheduled for 2017. Plans are being finalized and will be published as
soon as possible.
June 16, 17 & 18, 2017
Our first rendezvous is at Algonac Harbor Club. For well reservations, please call
Cassandra or Susan at (810) 794-4448. The wells are $55.00 per night and we
recommend that you make your reservations now. The daily event program will be out
as soon as the plans are finalized.
Please see flyer in this month’s Beacon.
July 21, 22 & 23, 2017
Our second rendezvous is at NCYC. Christmas in July has been brought back by
popular demand with a visit from Santa. More details to follow.
August 18, 19 & 20, 2017
Our third rendezvous is at MacRay Harbor. The Thunderbirds will be performing this
weekend at Selfridge Air Base. This is a premier place to watch this air show.
Please call MacRay Member Services (Tammy or Anne) at (586) 468-1900, ext. 434 or
443 and reserve your well. You will need to pay for your well when making your
reservation ($2.25/ft.). Space is limited to 20 plus wells, so if you are interested, please
call and reserve your well.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact P/C Tom or Judy McHugh
(586) 465-7777 or email:
tgmchugh@yahoo.comAnchors away,
Tom and Judy McHugh