NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
9 March 2017
Page 4 of 7
Harbor & Grounds
– Bill Calihan
The growing weed population in the harbor has been an issue. We currently have two applications
for weed control. One application is done early June for “Asian water mil foil.” The mid-July
treatment is for “Lodea weed.” These are invasive species, and the treatments control their growth.
While those treatments control June and July weed growth, the “Eel grass” weed appears towards
the first of August as it matures. A third application is required to treat the “Eel grass,” but is not
covered in our existing contract.
These weeds grow and mature at different times according to the weather and cannot be treated
with one application. The spray treatment for “Eel grass” sinks when applied and starts working on
the weeds in fifteen minutes. Any residual is diluted by the surrounding water and poses very little,
if any, harm to surrounding properties.
Last fall an increase in the 2017 Budget for harbor weed control was approved; this will cover the
additional expense. A new contract, which includes the third application, is in the mail.
Plans to repair the electric panel that serves the parking lot are in process. There are a lot of electric
supplies in the club house attic that will support that project.
The water system will be completed this spring, and another barbecue pad will be installed near the
swimming hole.
Plans are progressing for the island opening work parties; they are just around the corner.
Bill suggested that it would be a good idea to new have members identify any special skills on their
application. This would assist board members to identify knowledgeable members when special
situations occur.
– Kim Miedema
Final Membership counts: 135 Boating, 29 Non-Boating, 46 Senior, 24 Junior, 3 Leave of Absence
(LOA), and 1 Honorary for 238 total members. Sadly, we lost 19 members including 3 Junior members
this year.
Last month there was a question regarding number of members exempt from work hours; that
number is 18 (162 people have 16-hours, and 30 have the 8-hour requirement). There are 3024
work-hours total including Juniors.
Status Changes:
Nick Watson – Junior to Non-boating
Terry Schimke – Resigned
Denise Cox – Resigned
– Requires a Thank You
Hanna Clinard – Expired Junior Status
– Assume she is quitting
James and Lucretia Sterling – Requested 3
year on LOA – “Our Travel Plans for work are
incomplete; we would need to continue a leave of absence if allowed”
– The board discussed and
will not grant a 3
year LOA
Corrections to last month’s discussion:
Debra Jacott will continue this year as a Boating member; next year she will have Senior status.
Andrew Housey has not sent in the application fee so is not officially on the waiting list.