Happenings and Events at The Stone
Southern D i nner
Thursday, March 2nd
Reservations from 5-9pm
Founders Clubhouse
$17.95++ per adult
& $9.95++ per child ages 3-12.
Children under 3 eat free.
Enjoy Wanda’s Famous
Fried Chicken and other
southern specialties.
Reservations encouraged online
greystonecc.comor by
calling 986-5120.
Club Casual Attire
Southern D i nner
Thursday, March 23rd
Reservations from 5-9pm
Founders Clubhouse
$17.95++ per adult
& $9.95++ per child ages 3-12.
Children under 3 eat free.
Enjoy Wanda’s Famous
Fried Chicken and other
southern specialties.
Reservations encouraged online
greystonecc.comor by
calling 986-5120.
Club Casual Attire
Mi ura V i neyards
Wi ne D i nner
Thursday, March 16th
6:30pm arrival
Founders Clubhouse
$75++ for Wine Club Members &
$85++ forNon-WineClubMembers
Miura Vineyards Winemaker
Emmanuel Kemiji, Master
Sommelier, will be there
to present four wines:
Clos Pissarra, El Sol Blanc,
White Grenache, Monstant 2015
Clos Pissarra, El Ramon,
Cabernet Grenache & Carignan,
Priorat 2010
Miura Pisoni Pinot,
Santa Lucia Highlands 2012
ARRELS, Grenache,
Montsant 2011
Four-course menu pairings
by Executive Chef Alan Martin.
Reservations required online at
greystonecc.comor by calling
986-5120. 72-hour cancellation
policy enforced.
Club Cocktail Attire
St. Patr i ck ’ s Day
Celebrat i on
Friday, March 17th
Founders Cellar 91
Live music, drink specials,
and Irish dinner specials
Reservations encouraged
greystonecc.comor by
calling 986-5120.
Club Casual Attire
Ch i ldren ’ s
Et i quette Class
Sunday, March 19th
Founders Clubhouse
$35++ per child
Includes 3-course dinner.
Children in 2nd to 5th grades.
Lessons on how to make
favorable first impressions,
and conversation skills will be
covered by instructor, Kathie
Martin, APR, founder and
president of The Etiquette
School of Birmingham.
Reservations required by noon
Friday, March 17th. Signup
r by
calling 986-5120.
Sunday Best Attire
A N i ght i n Mi ami
Saturday, March 18th
Founders Clubhouse
7:00pm dinner
Food stations featuring Latin,
Cuban, andSouthFloridanFlavors.
Live music by Latin Rhythms
Band, Los Tres Amigos.
$39.95++ per person
Kid’s Night also offered!
*See page 25 for more info
Reservations required online
greystonecc.comor by calling
986-5120. 48-hour cancellation
policy enforced.
Club Casual Attire