J a n u a r y C o n t e s t W i n n e r s
E xc e l l e n t wo r k e v e ry b o dy !
Now stay the course and be persistant
and we will find more prizes for you.
U s e d t h e Mo s t P e r s o n a l T r a i n i n g S e s s i o n s :
Mr. Wade Moore will receive a free consultation
and evaluation with our dietician!
A t t e n d e d t h e Mo s t G r o u p F i t n e s s C l a s s e s :
Mrs. Jody Burrow and Mrs. Stefany Roberts have
tied to win a 60-minute deep tissue massage!
C h e c k e d i n t h e F i t n e s s C e n t e r 2 5 T i m e s o r Mo r e :
Mr. Pete Heinke will receive a free fitness evalua-
tion and personal training session!
P l at i n um F i t n e s s M e mb e r :
Your consistency does not go unnoticed and will
be rewarded! At the end of the year, we check to
see who has been our most loyal members to the
Greystone Fitness Center. The following people
were the top 10 users out of 1,400 plus members
with fitness privileges. These select few will
enjoy a years’ worth of product discounts and
monthly give-a-ways!
Mr. Eli Anding
Mr. Cecil G. Bostany
Mrs. Connie Bostany
Mrs. Jody Burrow
Mr. Terry Creel
Mr. Dennis G. DuBose
Dr. Luis Gonzalez
Mr. Peter Heinke
Mr. J. Barry Tidwell
Mr. Jay Waller
P l e a s e W e l c o m e
A l y s s a W e s t
o u r n e w e s t p e r s o n a l t r a i n e r !
Hello Greystone Members!
My name is Alyssa West & I
graduated from the University
of Alabama with a Bachelors of
Science in Education and
concentration in Exercise &
Sport Science and a Minor
in Nutrition, August 2014.
My passion for health began
long before school though. I was
impacted greatly in my early years
of life when I realized proper
exercise and nutrition was the
solution to helping me beat juve-
nile rheumatoid arthritis. Through
staying active I eventually went
into remission from the disease!
I truly believe exercising for
strength and endurance can
completely change and alter
mind and body of everyone, no
matter where they are in life or
what they are facing. I train my
clients in a way that gives them
the sense that their capabilities
are limitless! My goal is to provide
my clients with empowerment
and love for themselves and to see
the strength they hold can reflect
all they do and aim to achieve.
I am excited to be part of the
Greystone Golf & Country Club
team and can’t wait to meet you all!