Having seen thousands
of patients with different
needs and aspirations
for their smile and
having witnessed
over the past decade
or so an explosion in
advanced technological
applications to dentistry,
I can now say that we
are truly blessed to be
living in this era and I am
sure what is to come is
even more exciting and
possibly mind blowing.
I wrote this article with
one objective in mind,
how to summarise all the
new treatment options
and how they apply to
different people as cost
effective as possible, all
in the name of Chasing
The Perfect Smile.
• Let’s start with children, these days
we have fillings and sealants that can be
applied in a couple of minutes and they
release fluoride constantly to the tooth
structure even years after placing them
therefore even the most high risk kids can
these days have healthy teeth and reduce
the possibility of decay.
At this age group it is also important to
correct jaw growth problems using few
simple appliances as it is much easier to be
corrected now than left to get worse which
will require years of orthodontic treatments
or even worse orthognathic surgery.
• While the teenhood carry many
challenges to the teenagers and parents,
this period of life is one of the most
important periods for the oral and dental
health, as if your child have bad or crooked
teeth and not have them corrected early
they will be condemned to a life time of
dental breakdown and non stop visits to
the dentist to fix those problems not to
mention the associated costs.
These days we have braces that are
costume made, computer designed, robot
milled and specifically generated for every
single tooth for that particular patient,
this makes orthodontic treatments much
quicker, achieving better results and way
more comfortable that the old style braces.
But we also have invisalign teen and other
invisible orthodontic options which are
great alternatives for those who still don’t
want to have braces on their teeth
• Adulthood is the time to maintain good
and healthy teeth and gums. Research
shows that a well balanced, white and
healthy smile means high self confidence,
better careers and happier relationships.
And research also show that gum disease
is a major contributor to poor general
health, diseases in major organs and heart
problems !
A visible missing tooth could be deva-
stating, it is noticed that once people lose a
tooth or break a tooth they get discouraged
from looking after the rest of their teeth
which can start a chain reaction! These
days there are many many options to
achieve that beautiful smile and restore the
self confidence and life satisfaction, here
are few of those options:
1. Dental implants: They are great options
to replace 1 or
multiple missing
teeth. These days
they are a lot cheaper
than they were and
can be placed very
easily (usually within
15 minutes) and
very comfortably.
(Price $2000-$5000
depending on the
2. Porcelain Bridges: An alternative
for people who are not suitable for implants,
this will not only replace the missing tooth,
but it will protect the adjacent teeth and
improve the shape and colour, all within 2-3
3. All teeth on 4 implants: this is a revolu-
tionary technique were we replace all the
teeth (completely) with just 4 implants per
arch and you can get the final permanent
teeth within 2-3 days. (Price $9000 - $29,000
per jaw)
4. Invisalign: the completely invisible way
to straight teeth (in case you didn’t have a
chance to do it while teenager !)
(Price $3000-8000)
5. Computer designed and Robot milled
Braces: for those difficult cases who are not
suitable for invisalign and want fast results.
(Price $2500 - $8000)
6. Lingual Braces: braces placed behind
the teeth, yet another option to achieve
beautiful and straight teeth. (It is a bit more
expensive than conventional braces)
7. Porcelain Veneers: this was only
affordable for the rich and TV personalities,
but these days they are very affordable to
everyone and it seems to be the thing that
most adults ask for and truly appreciate
as it gives an instant transformation
and permanent perfect straight white
smile,a huge boost to personal and work
relationships. This is suitable for people
who have stained or discoloured teeth,
crooked teeth, broken or uneven teeth, teeth
with multiple fillings or anyone who want a
nicer smile. Veneers are thin shells that are
bonded permanently to the outside surface
of teeth to give us that amazing smile.
(price $800-1400 per veneer)
8. Snap on smiles: this is an alternative
to dentures, implants and veneers, it is of
very low cost , It is a removable option that
literally change your whole look by just
snapping it in place. It is suitable for people
who have stained or discoloured teeth,
missing teeth, crooked teeth, broken or
uneven teeth, teeth with multiple fillings
or anyone who wants a nicer smile. (Price
$2300 per arch)
9. Sapphire and Zoom laser whitening
the dentist is the only person who can
apply 37% hydrogen peroxide with Laser
activation to achieve those whiter teeth
everyone wants. Even though some beauty
salons offer whitening it is not of the same
efficacy and safety. We cover all the gums,
isolate the teeth and safely finish the
procedure without any harm to gums and
teeth, something you are not guaranteed in
beauty salons
We hope you find the
information in this article
helpful and regardless if you are
young or old shiny clean teeth
will entice you to smile and be
smiled at.
Chasing the perfect smile
This article is written by
Dr. Saif Hayek BDS, MBA,
POS, fellow of ICCDE,
accredited by Australian
Society of implants
The founder of Edgecliff
implants institute and
Advanced Dental Services
(winner of Best Dental
Service for 2013)
For further informationplease contact: Email:
edgecliff@adva ncedDentalservices.com.au | Ph: 02 9328 1423 | website: www.advancedDentalservices.com.auHaving seen thousands
of patients with different
needs and aspirations
for their smile and
having itnessed
over the past decade
or so an explosion in
advanced technological
applications to dentistry,
I can now say that we
are truly blessed to be
living in his era and I am
sure what is to come is
even more exciting and
possibly mind blowing.
I wrote this article with
one objective in mind,
how to summarise all the
new treatment options
and how they apply to
different people as cost
effective as possible, all
in the name of Chasing
The Perfect Smile.
• Let’s start with children, these days
we have fillings and sealants that can be
applied in a couple of minutes and they
release fluoride constantly to the tooth
structure even years after placing them
therefore even the most high risk kids can
these days have healthy teeth and reduce
the possibility of decay.
At this age group it is also importan to
correct jaw growth probl ms using few
simple appliances as it is much easier to be
corrected now than left to get worse which
will equire years of orthodontic treatments
even worse orthognathic surgery.
• While the te nhood carry many
challenges to the teenagers and parents,
this period of life is one of the most
important periods for the oral and dental
hea th, as if your child have bad or crooked
teeth and not have them corrected early
they will be condemned to a life time of
dental breakdown and non stop visits to
the dentist to fix those problems not to
mention the associated costs.
These days we have braces that are
costume made, computer designed, robot
milled a
nd specifically generated for everysingle tooth for that particular patient,
this makes orthodontic treatments much
quicker, achieving better results and way
more comfortable that the old style braces.
But we also have invisalign teen and other
invisible orthodontic options which are
great alternatives for those who still don’t
want to have braces on their teeth
• Adulthood is the time to maintain good
and healthy teeth and gums. Research
shows that a well balanced, white and
healthy smile means high self confidence,
better careers and happier relationships.
And research also show that gum disease
is a major contributor to poor general
health, diseases in major organs and heart
problems !
A visible missing tooth could be deva-
stating, it is noticed that once people lose a
tooth or break a tooth they get discouraged
from looking after the rest of their teeth
which can start a chain reaction! These
days there are many many options to
achieve that beautiful smile and restore the
self confidence and life satisfaction, here
are few of those options:
1. Dental implants: They are great options
to replace 1 or
multiple missing
teeth. These days
they are a lot cheaper
than they were and
can be placed very
easily (usually within
15 minutes) and
very comfortably.
(Price $2000-$5000
depending on the
2. Porcelain Bridges: An alternative
for people who are not suitable for implants,
this will not only replace the missing tooth,
but it will protect the adjacent teeth and
improve the shape and colour, all within 2-3
3. All teeth on 4 implants: this is a revolu-
tionary technique were we replace all the
teeth (completely) with just 4 implants per
arch and you can get the final permanent
teeth within 2-3 days. (Price $9000 - $29,000
per jaw)
4. Invisalign: the completely invisible way
to straight teeth (in case you didn’t have a
chance to do it while teenager !)
(Price $3000-8000)
5. Computer designed and Robot milled
Braces: for those difficult cases who are not
suitable for invisalign and want fast results.
(Price $2500 - $8000)
6. Lingual Braces: braces placed behind
the teeth, yet another option to achieve
beautiful and straight teeth. (It is a bit more
expensive than conventional braces)
7. Porcelain Veneers: this was only
but these d
everyone a
most adult
as it gives
and perma
smile,a hu
who have s
crooked te
with multi
nicer smile
bonded pe
of teeth to
(price $80
8. Snap on
to denture
very low c
literally ch
snapping i
who have s
missing te
uneven tee
or anyone
$2300 per
9. Sapphir
the dentist
apply 37%
salons offe
efficacy an
isolate the
teeth, som
beauty sal
We hop
young o
will enti
Chasing th perfect
This a
Dr. Sa
POS, f
The fo
For fu
rther informatio nplease contact: Email: ed gecliff@advancedDentalservi ces.com.au | Ph: 02 9328 1423 | website:
www.adFriday, May 23, 2014
Having seen thousands
of patients with different
needs and aspirations
for their s ile and
having witnessed
over the past decade
or so an explosion in
advanced technological
applications to dentistry,
I can now say that we
are truly blessed to be
living in this era and I am
sure what is to come is
even more exciting and
possibly mind blowing.
I wrote this article ith
one objective in mind,
how to summarise all the
new treatment options
and how they apply to
different people as cost
effective as possible, all
in the name of Chasing
The Perfect Smile.
• Let’s start with children, these days
we have fillings and sealants that can be
applied in a couple of minutes and they
release fluoride constantly to the tooth
structure even years after placing them
therefore even the most high risk kids can
these days have healthy teeth and reduce
the possibility of decay.
At this age group it is also important to
correct jaw growth problems using few
simple appliances as it is much easier to be
corrected now than left to get worse which
will require years of orthodontic treatments
or even worse orthognathic surgery.
• While the teenhood carry many
challenges to the teenagers and parents,
this period of life is one of the most
important periods for the oral and dental
health, as if your child have bad or crooked
teeth and not have them corrected early
they will be condemned to a life time of
dental breakdown and non stop visits to
the dentist to fix those problems not to
mention the associated costs.
These days we have braces that are
costume made, computer designed, robot
milled and specifically generated for every
single tooth for that particular patient,
this makes orthodontic treatments much
quicker, achieving better results and way
more comfortable that the old style braces.
But we also have invisalign teen and other
invisible orthodontic options which are
great alternatives for those who still don’t
want to have braces on their teeth
• Adulthood is the time to maintain good
and healthy teeth and gums. Research
shows that a well balanced, white and
healthy smile means high self confidence,
better careers and happier relationships.
And research also show that gum disease
is a major contributor to poor general
health, diseases in major organs and heart
problems !
A visible missing tooth could be deva-
stating, it is noticed that once people lose a
tooth or break a tooth th y get discouraged
from looking after the rest of their teeth
which can start a chain reaction! These
days there are many many options to
achieve that beautiful smile and restore the
self confidence and life satisfaction, here
are few of those options:
1. Dental implants: They are great options
to replace 1 or
multiple missing
teeth. These days
they are a lot cheaper
than they were and
can be placed very
easily (usually within
15 minutes) and
very comfortably.
(Price $2000-$5000
depending on the
2. Porcelain Bridges: An alternative
for people who are not suitable for implants,
this will not only replace the missing tooth,
but it will protect the adjacent teeth and
improve the shape and colour, all within 2-3
3. All teeth on 4 implants: this is a revolu-
tionary technique were we replace all the
teeth (completely) with just 4 implants per
arch and you can get the final permanent
teeth within 2-3 days. (Price $9000 - $29,000
per jaw)
4. Invisalign: the completely invisible way
to straight teeth (in case you didn’t have a
chance to do it while teenager !)
(Price $3000-8000)
5. Computer designed and Robot milled
Braces: for those difficult cases who are not
suitable for invisalign and want fast results.
(Price $2500 - $8000)
6. Lingual Braces: braces placed behind
the teeth, yet another option to achieve
beautiful and straight teeth. (It is a bit more
expensive than conventional braces)
7. Porcelain Veneers: this was only
affordable for the rich and TV personalities,
but these days they are very affordable to
everyone and it seems to be the thing that
most adults ask for and truly appreciate
as it gives an instant transformation
and permanent perfect straight white
smile,a huge boost to personal and work
relationships. This is suitable for people
who have stained or discoloured teeth,
crooked teeth, broken or uneven teeth, teeth
with multiple fillings or anyone who want a
nicer smile. Veneers are thin shells that are
bonded permanently to the outside surface
of teeth to give us that amazing smile.
(price $800-1400 per veneer)
8. Snap on smiles: this is an alternative
to dentures, implants and veneers, it is of
very low cost , It is a removable option that
literally change your whole look by just
snapping it in place. It is suitable for people
who have stained or discoloured teeth,
missing teeth, crooked teeth, broken or
uneven teeth, teeth with multiple fillings
or anyone who wants a nicer smile. (Price
$2300 per arch)
9. Sapphire and Zoom laser whitening
the dentist is the only person who can
apply 37% hydrogen peroxide with Laser
activation to achieve those whiter teeth
everyone wants. Even though some beauty
salons offer whitening it is not of the same
efficacy and safety. We cover all the gums,
isolate the teeth and safely finish the
procedure without any harm to gums and
teeth, something you are not guaranteed in
beauty salons
We hope you find the
information in this article
helpful and regardless if you are
young or old shiny clean teeth
will entice you to smile and be
smiled at.
This article is written by
Dr. Saif Hayek BDS, MBA,
POS, fellow of ICCDE,
accredited by Australian
Society of i plants
The founder of Edgecliff
i plants institute and
Advanced Dental Services
(winner of Best Dental
Service for 2013)
For further informationplease contact: Email:
edgecliff@adva cedDentalservices.com.au | Ph: 02 9328 1423 | website: www.advancedDentalservices.com.auJust contact Advanced Dental Services, 102 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy Ph: 4341 1751
www.advancedDentalservices.com.auThis article is written by
Dr.Saif Hayek BDS, MBA,
POS, fellow of ICCDE,
accredited by Australian
Society of implants
The founder of Advanced
Dental Implants Institute and
Advanced Dental Services
(winner of Best Dental
Service for 2013)
i s t
s s
of patients with differ nt
spir ti ns for
their smile and having
witnessed over the past
decade or so an explosion
in advanced tech ological
pplications to dentistry,
I can now say that we are
truly blessed to be living in
this era and I am sure what
i to come is even more
xciting and possibly mind
bl w ng.
I rote this article with
one objective in mind,
to sum arise al the
e treatment options and
how they apply to different
peopl and be as cost
effective as possible, all in
the name of Chasing The
Perfect Smile.
• Let’s start with children, these days we have
fillings and sealants that can be pplied in a
couple o minutes and the release fluoride
constantly to the tooth structure even years
after placing them therefore even the most
high risk kids can these days h ve h althy
teeth and reduce th possibility of decay.
In this age group it is also important to
correct j w growth problems using a few
simple appliances as it is much easier to be
corrected now than left to get worse which
will require years of orthodontic treatments
or even worse orthognathic surgery.
• While the teens carry many challenges
to the tee ag s and parents, this period of
lif is one of the most important periods for
oral and dental health, if your child has bad
or crooked teeth and does not have them
corrected rly they will be condemned to a
life time of dental breakdown and non stop
visits to the dentist to fix those problems, not
to mention the ass ciated costs.
Thes d ys we have braces th t are custom
made, computer designed, robot milled
and specifically generated for every single
tooth fo that particular pati nt, this makes
orthodontic treatments much quicker,
achieving better results and are way more
c mfortable than the old style braces.
We also have invisalign teen and other
in i ibl t
ti ti i e great
altern tives for those who still don’t want to
have braces on th ir teeth
• Adulthood is the time to maintain good
and healthy teeth and gums. Research shows
that a well balanced, white and healthy smile
m ans high self confidence, better careers
and happier relationships.
R search also shows that gum disease is a
major contributor to poor general health,
diseases in major organs and heart problems !
i e
it is noticed that once people lose a tooth
o break a tooth they get discouraged from
looking after the rest of their teeth which
can start a chain reaction! These days there
re many options to achieve that beautiful
mile and restore the self confidence and life
satisfaction, here are few of those options:
to straight teet
u didn’t have a
chance to do it
st a teenager !)
( ri
where we replace all the
ce only
Having seen thousands
of patients with different
needs and aspirations
for their smile and
having witnessed
over the past decade
or so an explosion in
advanced technological
applications to de tistry,
I can now say that we
are truly bl ssed o be
living in this era and I am
sur what is to come is
ev n more exciting and
possibly mind blowing.
I wrote this article with
one objective in mind,
how to sum arise all the
new treatment options
an how they apply to
different people as ost
effective as possible, all
in the name of Ch ing
Th Perfect Smile.
• Let’s start wi children, these days
we have fillings an sealants that can be
applied in a coupl of minutes and they
release flu ride constantly to the ooth
structure even years after placing them
therefore even the most high risk kids can
these days have healthy teeth and reduce
the possibility of ecay.
At this age group it s also importan to
correct jaw growth problems usi g few
simple appliances as it is much easier to be
corrected now than left to get worse which
will require years of orthodontic treatments
or ven wors orthognathic surgery.
• While the teenhood carry many
challenges to the t enager and parents,
this period of life is one of the most
important periods for the oral and dental
health, as if your child have bad or crooked
teeth and not have them corrected early
they will be condemned to a life time of
dental breakdown and non stop visits to
the dentist to fix those problems not to
mention the associated costs.
These days we have braces that are
costume made, computer designed, robot
milled and specifically generated for every
single tooth for that particular patient,
But we also have invisalign teen and other
inv sible orthodontic options which are
great alternatives for th se who still don’t
want to have braces on their teeth
• Adulthood is the t me to maintain good
nd althy teeth and gums. Research
s ows hat a well b lanced, whit and
healthy smil mean high self confidence,
better careers and happier relationships.
And research also show that gum disease
is a major contributor to poo general
health, diseases in major organs and eart
problems !
A visible missing tooth could be deva-
stating, it is noticed that once people lose a
tooth or br ak a tooth they get discouraged
from looking after the rest of their teeth
which can start a chain reaction! These
days there are many many options to
achieve that beautiful smile and restore the
self confidence and life satisfaction, here
are few of those options:
1. Dental implants: They are great options
to replace 1 or
multiple missing
teeth. These days
they are a lot cheaper
than they ere and
can be placed very
easily (usually within
15 m nutes) and
very comfort bl .
(Price $2000-$5000
depending on the
2. Porcelain Bridges: An alternative
for peo
ple who are not suitabl for implants,this will not only replace the missing tooth,
but it will protect the adjacent teeth and
improve t e shape and colo r, all within 2-3
we ks
3. All teeth on 4 implants:
this is a revolu-tionary technique were we replace all the
teeth (completely) with just 4 implants per
arch and you can get the final permanent
teeth within 2-3 days. (Price $9000 - $29,000
per jaw)
4. Invisalign: the completely nvisible w y
to straight teeth (in case you didn’t have a
chance to do it while teenager !)
(Price $3000-8000)
5. Computer designed and Robot milled
Braces: for those difficult cases who are not
suitable for invisalign and want fast results.
(Price $2500 - $8000)
6. Lingual Braces: braces placed b hind
the teeth, yet another option to achieve
beautiful and straight teeth. (It is a bit more
expensive than conventional braces)
7. Porcelai n Veneers: this was onlyaffordable for the ich and TV personalities,
but these days they are very affordable to
everyone and it eem to be th thing that
most adults ask for and truly appreciate
as it gives an instant transformation
and permanent perfect straight white
smile,a huge boost to personal and work
relationships. This is suitable for people
who have stained or discoloured teeth,
crooked teeth, broken or uneven teeth, teeth
with multiple fillings or anyone who want a
nicer smile. Veneers are thin shells that are
bonded permanently to the outside surface
of teeth to give us hat amazing smile.
(price $800-1400 pe veneer)
8. Snap on smiles: th is an a ternative
to dentures, implants and veneers, it is of
very low cost , It is a removable option that
literally change your whole look by just
snapping it in place. It is suitable for people
who have stained or discoloured teeth,
missing teeth, crooked teeth, broken or
uneven teeth, teeth with multiple fillings
or anyone who wants a nicer smile. (Price
$2300 per arch)
9. Sapphire and Zoom laser whitening
the dentist is the only person who can
apply 37% hydrogen peroxide with Laser
activation to achieve those whiter teeth
everyone wants. Even though some auty
salons offer whitening it is not of the same
efficacy and safety. We cover all the gums,
isolate the teeth and safely finish the
procedure without any harm to gums and teeth, something you are not guaranteed inbeauty salons
We hope you find the
information in this article
helpful and regardless if you are
young or old shiny clean teeth
Chasing the perfect smile
This article is writt n by
Dr. Saif Hayek BDS, MBA,
POS, f llow of ICCDE,
accredited by Australian
Society f implants
Den istry
The founder of Edgecliff
implants institute and
Advance Dental S rvices
(winner of Best Dental
Service for 2013)
I am
e is
ll the
, all
can be
d they
But we also have invisalign teen and other
invisible orthodontic options which are
gr at alternatives for those who still don’t
want to have braces on their ee h
• Adultho d is the time to maintain good
and healthy teeth and gums. Research
shows that a well balanced, white and
healthy smile means high self confi ence,
b tter ca eers and happ er relationships.
And res arch also show that gum disease
is a major contributor to poor general
health, dise ses in major organs and heart
p oblems !
A visible missing tooth could b deva-
stati g, i is noticed that once p ople lose a
tooth or break a tooth they get discouraged
from looking after the rest of their teeth
which can start a chain reaction! These
days her a many many options o
achieve that beautiful smile and estore the
self confidence and life satisfaction, here
are few of those options:
1. D al implants: They ar great opti ns
to eplace 1 or
multiple missing
teeth. These days
th y are a lot cheaper
than they were and
can be placed very
tionary technique were we replace all the
teeth (completely) with just 4 implants per
arch and you can get the final permanent
teeth within 2-3 days. (Price $9000 - $29,000
per jaw)
4. Invisalign: the completely invisible way
to straight teeth (in case you didn’t have a
chance to do it while teenager !)
(Price $3000-8000)
5. Computer designed and Robot milled
Braces: for those difficult cases who are notsuitable for invisalign and want fast results.
(Price $2500 - $8000)
6. Lingual Braces: braces placed behind
affordable for the rich and TV per o alities,
but these days they are very affordable to
everyone and it seems to be the thing that
most adults ask for and truly appr ciate
as it gives an instant tr sform tion
and permanent perfect straight white
smile,a huge boost to personal and work
relationships. This is suitable for people
who have stained or discoloured teeth,
crooked teeth, broken or u even teet , teeth
with multiple fillings or anyone who want a
nicer smile. Veneers are thin shells that are
bonded permanently to the outside surface
of teeth to give us that amazi g smile.
(price $800-1400 per veneer)
8. Snap on smiles: this is an alt rnative
to dentures, implants and veneers, it is of
very low cost , It is a removable option that
literally change your whole look by just
snapping it in place. It is suitable for people
who have stained or discoloured teeth,
missing teeth, crooked teeth, broken or
uneven teeth, teeth with multiple fillings
or anyone who wants a nicer smile. (Price
$2300 p r a rch)9. Sapphire and Zoom laser whitening
ing the perfect smile
This article is written by
Dr. Saif Hayek BDS, MBA,
POS, fellow of ICCDE,
accredited by Aust alian
Society of implants
The founder of Edgecliff
implants institute and
Advanced Dental Services
(winner of Best Dental
Service for 2013)
Friday, May 23, 2014
Having seen thousands
of patients with different
needs and aspirations
for their smile and
having witnessed
over the pas decad
or so explosion in
advanced technological
applications to dentistry,
I can now say th t we
are truly blessed to be
living in this era and I am
sure what is to come is
even mor exciting and
possibly mind blowing.
I wrot thi article with
one objectiv in mind,
how o summarise all the
new treatment pt ons
nd how they apply o
different people as cost
effective a possible, all
in the na of Chasi g
The Perfect Smile.
• Let’s start with children, these days
we have fillings and sealants that ca be
applied in a couple of minutes and they
release fluoride constantly to the tooth
structur even years after placing them
therefore even the most high risk kids can
th e d ys have healthy teeth and reduce
the possibil ty of decay.
At this age group it is also import t to
correct jaw growth problems using few
simple appliances as it is much easier to be
correct d now t an left to get worse which
will requir years of orthodontic treatments
or even worse orthognat ic surgery.
• While the teenhood carry many
challenges t the teenagers and p rents,
this period of life i one of the most
important periods for the oral and dental
h alth, as if y ur child have bad or crooked
teeth and not have them orrected e rly
they will be c nd mned to a lif time f
dental breakdown and non stop visits to
the dentis to fix those problems not to
mention the associated costs.
These days we have br ces that are
costume mad , computer designed, r bot
milled and sp cifically generat for ev ry
single tooth for that particular patient,
this makes ort odontic treat ents much
qu cker, achieving better results and way
more comfortable that t e old style braces.
But we also have invisalign teen and other
invisible orthodontic options which are
great alternatives for those who still don’t
want to have braces on their teeth
• Adulthood is the time to maintain good
and healthy teeth and gums. Research
shows that a well balanced, white and
healthy smile means high self confid nce,
better careers and happier relationships.
A d research lso show that gum disease
is a major contributor to poor general
health, diseases in ajor organs nd heart
problems !
A visible missing tooth could be deva-
stating, it is noticed that once people lose a
tooth or break a tooth they get discouraged
from looking after the rest of their teeth
which can start a chain reaction! These
days there are many many options to
achiev that beautiful smile and restore the
self confidence and life satisfaction, here
are few of t ose options:
1. Dental implants: Th y are great options
to re lace 1 or
multiple missing
teeth. These days
they are a lot cheaper
than they were and
can be placed very
easily (usually within
15 minutes) a d
very comfortably.
(Price $2000-$5000
depending on th
2. Porc lain Bridges: An alte native
for people who ar not suitable fo implants,
this will not only r place the missing tooth,
but it will protect the adjacent teeth and
improve the shape and colour, all within 2-3
3. All te th on 4 impla ts: this is a revolu-
tionary technique were we replace all the
teeth (completely) with just 4 implants per
arch and you can get the final permanent
teeth within 2-3 days. (Price $9000 - $29,000
per jaw)
4. Invisalign: the completely invisible way
to straight teeth (in case you didn’t have a
chance to do it while t enag r !)
(Price $3000-8000)
5. Computer designed and Robot milled
Braces: for those difficult cases who are not
suitable for invisalign and want fast results.
(Price $2500 - $8000)
6. Lingual Braces: braces placed behind
the teeth, yet another option to achieve
beautiful and straight teeth. (It is a bit more
expensive than conventional braces)
7. Porcelain Veneers: this was only
affordable for the rich and TV pe sonalities,
but these days they are very affordable to
everyone and it seems to be the thing that
most adults ask for and truly appreciate
as it gives an instant transformation
and permanent perfect straight white
smile,a huge boost to personal and work
relationships. This is suitable for people
who have stained or discoloured teeth,
crooked teeth, broken or uneven teeth, teeth
with multiple fillings or anyone who want a
nicer smile. Veneers are thin shells that are
bonded perman ntly to the outside surface
of teeth to give us that amazing smile.
(price $800-1400 per veneer)
8. Snap on smiles: this is an alternative
to dentures, implants and veneers, it is of
v ry l w cost , It is a removable option that
literally change your whole look by just
snapping it in place. It is suitable for people
ho have stained or discoloured teeth,
missing teeth, crooked teeth, broken or
un ven teeth, teeth with multiple fillings
or a yone who wants a nic r smile. (Price
$2300 per arch)
9. Sapphire and Zoom laser whit ing
the dentist is the nly person wh can
apply 37% hydrogen peroxide with Laser
activation to achieve those whiter teeth
everyon wants. Even though some beauty
salons offer whitening it is not of the same
efficacy and safety. We cover all the gums,
isolate the teeth a d safely finish the
rocedure without any harm to gums and
teeth, something you are not guaranteed in
beauty sal ns
We hope you find t e
information in this article
helpful and reg dless if you are
young or old shiny clean teeth
will entice you to smile and be
smiled at.
This article is written by
Dr. Saif Hayek BDS, MBA,
POS, fellow of ICCDE,
accredited by Australian
Society of implants
The founder of Edgecliff
implants institute and
Advanced Dental Services
(w nner of Best Dental
Service for 2013)
For further informationplease contact: Email:
edgecliff@advancedDentalservices.com.au| Ph: 02 9328 1423 | website: www.advancedDentalservic s.com.au
f d l o i
b t t ese days they e r
ev y a it
g t t
lts s f
it i
t tr sf
tion and
permanent perfect straight white smile
an a huge boost to personal and work
r lati n hips. Thi is suitable f
w o
crook t eth, r e or u eve tee , t t
it ulti l lli gs or an
a nicer smile. Ven ers ar in shells that are
bond p rmanently to the outsi e surface of
tee h t give us that amazing smile.
(price $800-1400 per ven er)
8. Porce ain Ven ers this was only
7. Snap on smile: this is an alternative
dentures, implants and veneers. It is of
very low cost, it is a remova le opti n
s your whole look by just
snapping it in place. It is suitable for people
st i
r i l ure t t ,
e t
u p
anyone who wants a nicer smile.
(Price $23 00 per arch)wh e we replace all the
W hope you find the
infor ation in this a ticle
helpful and regardless if you
are young or old having shiny
c ean teeth will nt ce you to
smile and be smil d at.