Anli Gao-Stats Member - page 12

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Gao, A. and K. Zhou. 1993. Growth and reproduction of three populations of finless porpoise,
Neophocaena phocaenoides
, in Chinese waters. Aquatic Mammals 19(1):3-12.
Zhou, K., A. Gao and J. Sun. 1993. Notes on the biology of the finless porpoise in Chinese waters.
Sun, J., K. Zhou and A. Gao. 1993. A report on birds sighted along the lower reaches of the Yangtze
Chinese J. Zool.
Gao, A. and K. Zhou. 1992. Sexual Dimorphism in the baiji,
Lipotes vexillifer
Can. J. Zool.
Zhou, K., J. Sun, Y. Hua and A. Gao. 1992. Population monitoring and photo-identification study of the
Lipotes vexillifer
, in the lower Yangtze. Proceedings of 23rd Annual IAAAM conference, May 18-
22. Hong Kong.
Gao, A., J. Sun and K. Zhou. 1988. The possibility of using photographic techniques to identify individual
Lipotes vexillifer
. Working paper SC/A88/P6, Symposium and Workshop on the Use of Non-Lethal
Techniques, Especially Photo-Identification Techniques, to Estimate Cetacean population parameters. 28
April - 4 May, 1988, La Jolla, California.
Zhou, K. and A. Gao. 1988. Individual and mass stranding of sperm whale,
Physeter macrocephalus
, in
China (abstract, in English). Asia-Pacific theriological symposium, 1988, Beijing.
Gao, A. and K. Zhou. 1987. On the retinal ganglion cells of
Acta Zool. Sinica
Gao, A. and K. Zhou. 1986. Anatomical and histological studies of the eyes of the finless porpoise,
Neophocaena phocaenoides
Acta Zool. Sinica
, 32(3):248-254.
Wang, Q., D. Wang, J. Liu, and A. Gao. 1984. The rodents on farm land in the east part of Shaanxi in
Chinese J. Zool.
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