Anli Gao-Stats Member - page 9

Laboratory Services is registered to the international quality standard ISO 9001:2000
Anli Gao
Method Development Scientist, Biostatistician
Laboratory Services, University of Guelph
Direct line: 519-823-1268 x.57433
95 Stone Road West
Fax: 519-767-2640
Guelph, N1H 8J7
Multi disciplinary in microbiology, life history, population biology, molecular biology and
Experience in method development for detection of pathogens in food
Experimental design, data analysis, and scientific presentation and publication
Team player and research project management
Developed and validated methods for detection and isolation of pathogens in food matrices
Estimated measurement uncertainty for experiments with different designs
Provided consultation on experimental design, statistics, and data presentation to colleagues and
graduate students
Authored/coauthored over 30 research papers on scientific journals, and over 10 conference
presentations or/and abstracts
Supervised project students on research projects
Experimental design and Data analysis
Experimental design and data collection for both parametric and nonparametric characteristics,
spreadsheet skill, data analysis, statistics, multivariate analysis using SPSS and SAS, measurement
estimation for various types of experiments, and result interpretation
Food Microbiology
Method development for detection, isolation of bacterial strains from food, animal and environmental
samples using variety of methods including centrifugation, selective culture, decontamination,
immuno-capture separation, MALDI TOF system etc.
Molecular biology
DNA extraction and purification, RFLP, PCR, Southern hybridization, method development for
quick diagnosis of pathogenic organisms
University of Guelph, Laboratory Services Division, Guelph, Ontario
Method Development Scientist, Biostatistician
2006 –
Research and development of methods for detection of foodborne pathogens.
Method evaluation, verification and validation. Project management. Statistical support and consultation.
Research Associate
1998 – 2006
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