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The Leap!

Paula Beasley

The day was gray, but the rain was soft. The child wore a striped pink

Supergirl shirt, jeans, and pink rain boots. Her red hair peeked out from

under a pink hoodie. She glanced briefly at her mother before looking

quickly back at the puddle before her. A smile crept over her face as

she contemplated her next move. Should she do it? Would she get in

trouble? Was Mommy watching? Taking her chances, she gathered her

courage, scrunched down as low as she could go, and LEAPED into

the air! It was exhilarating! She was flying! Her feet landed a second

later in the middle of the small puddle creating a mighty SPLASH! She

giggled as the water rose up past her boots and soaked her socks and

pants. Looking back, she saw her Mommy, cell phone raised in front of

her, capturing the moment on video, laughing with her in joy.

Mommy watched as her daughter stood at the edge of the puddle. See-

ing the thought as it crossed her face, Mommy grabbed her cell phone.

Quickly, she opened the camera app and focused the phone on her

child. Video ready, she quietly waited for her baby to make the choice.

A moment later, red hair was streaming behind her daughter as the little

one jumped. It took only an instant, but in that split second, Mommy

could see all the leaps, jumps, and falls to come - her daughter’s first

leap into a classroom, her first jump into love, the first fall of her bro-

ken heart.

For now, though, she gathered her baby with the shining face and slight-

ly damp red hair into her arms and put the cell phone away. Together

with her giggling daughter, they jumped into the next puddle. The fu-

ture would come soon enough, and they would face their puddles, small

steps, giant leaps, and falls, hand-in-hand until the little girl raced into

adulthood and her mother took the final leap into the arms of Heaven.

Paula Beasley is a librarian

at Bluefield College. She loves

reading, her dogs, and her
