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S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 7





"The LAC works very hard,

mostly under the radar..."

“The problem’s plain to see: Too much technology

Machines to save our lives. Machines dehumanize.”

Dennis DeYoung – “Mr. Roboto”


an you believe it is September already?!?! Summer

officially ends for most of our properties with the

closing of the pools and the Labor Day BBQs.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed their summer and the kids are

not groaning too much about going back to school.

I remember school shopping involved going to the local mall

or department store with your parents – or later your friends

(just drop me off here so no one sees you, Mom…) – and

bringing coupons that you may have cut out of the newspaper

for $10 off the pair of fresh sneakers you just had to have or

the hippest jeans that everyone was wearing that year. Your

arms would be loaded with notebooks, pens, pencils, and a

new, snazzy backpack. You would then go to the food court

and have pizza or a pretzel and…wait for it… talk to each

other! Yes, actual conversations where talking and listening

and maybe some laughing was involved (no Instagram or

Snapchat). You would part ways when the mall closed and

when you got home you would pick up the phone (attached

to the wall, no less) and call your grandma and thank her for

the check she sent in the mail so you could buy a cool new

jean jacket or the new Bowie record (wait, what’s that you

say …a record?).

Yes, I know I am being nostalgic, I guess it was because

of all the back to school sales via e-mail I got from every

store out there. You don’t even need to cut coupons any-

more! Just show them the code on your phone! I know I just

set the stage for the overuse of technology, but there are

times when it really does come in handy. For example, how

cool was it that you could help kids get school supplies

by ordering them online from Amazon and having it sent

directly to CAI-NJ?! The response this year was overwhelm-

ing! Great job and thanks to all of those who donated. And

kudos to the staff of CAI-NJ and the CAI-NJ FAST Team!!!

Speaking of technology, the Radburn Bill (which is the

subject of an article later in this issue) was passed and

signed into law on July 13, 2017. One of the many, many

changes that the new law makes is to statutorily authorize

electronic voting in community associations. Subject to

certain restrictions (speak to your association’s counsel first),

this means that homeowners will be able to vote for board

members by filling out an electronic ballot without having

to physically attend that annual meeting. From a manager’s

perspective, the hope is that this will lead to an easier time

establishing quorum for the board elections without having

to wait another month (or months) to reach quorum so that

the election can take place. Many of us have been waiting

a long time for this to be a lawful and viable option. And

while I still feel that you should always attend the annual

meeting to meet the candidates and mingle with your

neighbors, this is one way in which using all this technology

should benefit our associations.

Finally, please check out this month’s edition to learn

about more about the Radburn Bill (and our Legislative

Action Committee’s efforts in getting it passed) as well as

other issues that our LAC is working on for our chapter. The

LAC works very hard, mostly under the radar, so it is nice

to give them the credit and praise for a job well done. I am

sure you will be impressed!

Domo arigato, Peace and Love,
