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S E P T E M B E R , 2 0 1 7

problem of abandoned and blighted

homes. LAC support was essential

to enact legislation which enabled

municipalities to address these issues.

We were aligned with the League to

get the bill passed. Once signed into

law, the CAI-NJ sent letters to every

district in the state with a sample ordi-

nance to implement and enforce the

new legislation. My Association fol-

lowed up with our township to ensure

we were protected by the law. Many

other CAI-NJ members spoke with

local officials to encourage enacting

the local ordinances.

Every municipality should be con-

cerned with ‘zombie’ mortgages. LAC

is strongly backing “expedited fore-

closure” reform legislation (S1832 /

A3823). This legislation will improve

neighborhoods by requiring lenders

to either expedite their foreclosure

actions on vacant properties within

CICs or choose between paying

the association maintenance fees or

consenting to the appointment of a

fiscal receiver to rent the properties

during the pendency of the foreclosure

actions. The legislation will improve

the standard of living in all neigh-

borhoods, and we hope you get the

support of your mayor and have them

ask that the League support it as well.

Municipalities should be very sup-

portive of another bill CAI-NJ was

successful in getting passed. A2060

passed both houses in late June and

awaits the Governor’s signature. It will

require lenders to consider all short

sale offers within sixty days, thereby

speeding up the lengthy foreclosure

process in the state. Lenders have not

been responding in a timely period to

legitimate offers, causing properties to

remain vacant for longer periods than

desired. Municipal elected officials

and CIC members have a mutual

interest in eliminating foreclosed prop-

erties and should join forces with us in

our efforts. We need to remind those

officials that we fought for this bill and

to support us in these kinds of fights.

The LAC strongly opposes A1425

which would change municipal per-

formance bonding requirements. If

enacted, it would have significant

adverse impacts on CICs and munic-

ipalities trying to protect residential

developments. As written, municipal-

ities would only be able to require

developers to post performance guar-

antees that cover improvements being

dedicated to a public entity. Private

streets, storm drainage ponds and

basins, common grounds, to name a

few, would not be covered by munic-

ipal performance and maintenance

bonds. Municipalities should be very

concerned with this bill, which is

strongly supported by the commercial

real estate and builders’ lobbies. CAI-

NJ members should encourage local

elected officials to ask the League to

join CAI-NJ in opposing the bill.

The LAC also is actively fighting

against A3656 which would prohibit


"Municipalities should

be very supportive of

another bill CAI‑NJ

was successful in

getting passed."
