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Este artículo discute el entendimiento

bahá’í sobre la naturaleza de la opresión.

La primera sección identifica y discute

cuatro principales tipos contemporáneos

de opresión involucrando el orden

político internacional, formas del Estado,

estructuras económicas y formas de

identidad cultural. La segunda sección

explora la respuestapersonal deBahá’u’lláh

a la opresión en la forma de Sus tres

declaraciones históricas. La sección final

extrae implicaciones de las discusiones

previas para identificar características de

un enfoque bahá’í al empoderamiento y a

la liberación de la opresión.

In the millenarian promises of all the

religions, it is commonly expected that

the coming of the Promised One will

take place at a time when oppression,

tyranny, and darkness have overtaken

the world, and that through the Sav-

ior, the world will be filled with jus-

tice and enlightenment.



asserted that His Faith was the fulfill-

ment of those promises. The question

of oppression and empowerment is

1 The Arabic word


, meaning

“oppression” and “injustice,” comes from

the same root as the word


, meaning

“darkness.” Bahá’u’lláh frequently uses the

ambiguity of these terms to characterize

true knowledge and enlightenment as the

polar opposite of oppression. The themes

of darkness and light are also central to

Zoroastrianism, in which the world is

viewed as a battleground between good

and evil, light and darkness, God and

Ahriman, and it is with the coming of the

Promised One that oppression is to be de-

feated and enlightenment rule the world.

From Oppression

to Empowerment



This article discusses the Bahá’í under-

standing of the nature of oppression. The

first section identifies and discusses four

main contemporary types of oppression

involving the international political order,

forms of the state, economic structures,

and forms of cultural identity. The second

section explores Bahá’u’lláh’s personal re-

sponse to oppression in the form of His

three historic declarations. The final sec-

tion draws implications from the previous

discussions in order to identify features of

a Bahá’í approach to empowerment and

liberation from oppression.


Le présent article porte sur la

compréhension, d’un point de vue bahá’í,

de la nature de l’oppression. Dans la

première partie, l’auteur relève quatre

grands types d’oppression dans le monde

d’aujourd’hui, qui mettent en cause l’ordre

politique international, les types d’État,

les structures économiques et les formes

d’identité culturelle. Dans la deuxième

partie, il explore la réponse personnelle

de Bahá’u’lláh à l’oppression, à la lumière

de ses trois déclarations historiques.

Enfin, l’auteur tire des implications

des discussions abordées dans les deux

premières parties dans le but de définir

les caractéristiques d’une approche bahá’íe

de l’autonomisation et de la libération à

l’égard de l’oppression.