bag -SEith 1 ounce of ground mace; fill up with the juice
until fermentation is over, and add IJ gallon of good port
Filter. (See No. 3.)
397. "Wine, Rose.
10 gallons of water.
30 lbs. ofsugar.
1;J- gallon ofred rose leaves.
Boil for 2 minutes; when lukewarm fill up a keg; put
it in a waim place; add 1 pint of yeast; fill up constant
ly with the liquid till fermentation ceases; dissolve i
drachm of otto of roses in 2 ounces of alcohol, 95 per
cent., and mix it with the above wine; strain ; color rose
with the tincture of cochineal. Filter. (See Nos. 3 and
398. "Wine, St. George.
5 gallons of dark red claret.
5 do. piquepouil.
Mix; add 1 gill of spirit of raspberries, 1 gUl of spirit
of lemonbalm, and 1 gUl ofspirit of orris-root.
399. Wine, Sherry.
4 gallons ofhigh-flavored sherry wine.
6 do. plain wine.
Colored with coloring. (See No.88.)
400. Wine,Tokay.
4 gallons oftokay, best quality.
6 do. plain wine.
Sugar and color to suit the taste.