Shannon McCleerey – Hooper
Program Manager, Consumer Affairs
Consumer Peer Support Programs
Riverside University Health System
Behavioral Health
In her role as the Program Administrator for the Consumer Peer Support Division of Mental Health in
Riverside County, Shannon has over 100 Peer Support Specialists that work full time for the County
Behavioral Health System. As a consumer of mental health services, a family member and a parent of
a child with a diagnosis, she works to reduce stigma for those who are challenged by a mental health
diagnosis. Her passion is centered around training and support for those who work professionally as
peer providers in public mental health, substance use treatment and educating clinical staff in working
with peer providers on treatment teams. She received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from California State
University, Fullerton in 1989. She has mentored Senior Peer Support Specialists (advanced level peer
providers) in public speaking, authored educational curricula and facilitated workshops on recovery
model concepts and service provision. She has presented at conferences nationwide, including
CASRA (California Association of Rehabilitation Agencies), “Pathways to Client-Centered Care” at the
University of Southern California, Behavioral Health Symposium at Redlands University, NAMI
(National Alliance for Mental Illness) and International Association of Peer Support Specialists. She
has provided recovery model training to MFT students at Loma Linda University, Cal Baptist University
and University of California, Riverside. She has received awards in Riverside County “The Modeling
Recovery” Senior Peer Support Specialist of the year for 2013 and was awarded Mentor of the Year in
2011. Recently, Shannon was published in Paradigm Magazine, an article titles “Building A Legacy”
on Peer Support Programs in Riverside County.
Speaker Bio