Speak Out
February 2015
Speech Pathology Australia
2015 national conference news
Program Update
The CPC is pleased to advise that the
2015 National Conference
evolutionise program has
been finalised. This was a particularly
challenging process this year given the
large number of high quality submissions
that were received. Despite the SPSC
and CPC trying many and varied
program formats, there unfortunately
was not enough space to include every
submission into the overall program
and theme. We acknowledge and thank
those for the time and effort taken to
submit their abstracts.
We are very pleased with the program,
and believe there will be an excellent
range of high quality presentations under
a number of topics that will be of interest
to a wide cross section of the profession.
Each author who received notification
late 2014 that their abstract has been
included, were emailed the ‘official’
confirmation. If for some reason you
have not been contacted, please
email the National Conference
Manager on
conference@ speechpathologyaustralia.org.au .Conference Program Flyer
Included within this issue of Speak Out you will find a copy of the Conference Program Flyer . This is anoverview of the sessions that will
be presented.
Please note a change to
the session names for M7 and M13.
They now read
M7 Clinical education 1
M13 Clinical education 2
With regard to the conference program,
the SPSC and CPC are delighted that
the two Conference keynote speakers
are each offering a masterclass
presentation on the Sunday prior to the
pre-registration and welcome event.
Professor Nelson
will present a
Masterclass while in
Canberra, providing
delegates with practical
methods to gather and
analyse written story
probes to describe a
student’s strengths and weaknesses
at multiple language levels. She will
further teach delegates how to use a
collaborative classroom-based writing
lab approach to blend language
instruction for all students including
those with a range of special needs, a
must for paediatric speech pathologists.
Professor Emeritus Rosenbek
will conduct a pre-
conference clinical
Masterclass; the
emphasis will be on
a variety of specific
aphasia interventions
including attention and intention
therapies, VNeST and ARCS. Professor
Rosenbek will include description of the
active ingredients needed for successful
therapy. This class is a must for
clinicians working in the area of aphasia.
17–20 May 2015
National Convention Centre, Canberra, Australia
Major Sponsor