446. '.Anotrycr.
Peel a lemon or orange very thin; infuse the rind in a cup
of boiling water in a bowl ; add some borage-leaves, some cu–
cumber slices, some sprigs of balm, h alf a pound of sugar, one
pint of sherry, Madeira or Malaga (or, instead of this, t wo win e–
glassfuls of brandy). and two bottles of cider;
the bowl o n
ice and serve.
447. QLl1nmµngnc Jlloml.
To one pound of lump-sugar add two bottles of Mosell e wine,
one bottle of Burgundy a nd two bottles o f champagne; cover
the bowl well a nd put it o n ice.
£i1Jcrry JBoml.
The rind of six lemons is infused four hours in one-fourth
quart of boiling water; pour this water in a bowl; add the juice
of two lemons, one pint of sherry, three g ills of old Jamaica
rum, three gills of brandy, one pound of lump-suga r, three pints
of cold water, and one pint of boiling milk; mix everything
thoroughly; strain it through flannel, a nd put it for four h ours
on ice.
449. <!fnglisry Qllnrct Jlloml.
Peel an orange and cut it in slices, likewise h alf a cucumber;
add a few sprigs of borage and balm, two or three tablespoonfuls
of pulverized sugar, a wineglassful of brandy, or t wo glasses of
sherry, two bottles of claret, and a bottle of Seltzer; stir every–
thing well, put it two hours on ice, and strain before serving.
450. QfoglislJ ®in JBoml.
Put the rind of a thinly peeled lemon and its juice in a tureen,
add three tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, and one quart of
water, and let it stand an hour; pour over it one pint of Old Tom
gin. a wi neglassful of mara schino, three tablespoo nfuls of shaved
ice , and a bottle of Seltzer, and serve.
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