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liow to Join a Circus.

This contains all the in formation

necessary for those who desiro to qualify themselves for the Circus or

GymllllSiUm; with hints to Amateurs and advice to Professional per–

formers; affording thorough instruction in all branches of the business.

Illustrated. By the celebrated Tony Denier. By carefully following the

advice a.nd instruction contained inthis book, any person with a moder–

ate degree of perseverance can become proficient in all the atartling act8

on the horizontal bar, flying trapeze, and otber evolutions that challenge

th e Admiration of all who behold them. 10! pages . •. . •... ... .. .211


Jerry Thomas' Bar Tender's Guide ; or How to



kinds of Fancy

D r inks.

An entirely new edition; new platu; new drinks.

Containing clear and reliable cllrcctionR for mixing all the beverages used

in the United States. Embracing Punches, Juleps , Cobblers, Cocktails,

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the best receipts for preparing bottled Punch, bottled Cocktails, Punch

Essences, etc .• ,.fter the


approved methods; also, all the newest

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blows and parries are all clearly

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bury's Rules.


pages . . .. . .. . . .... ... . . .. .. .. .. ... . . . ... . . ... . . 211 cts.

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Boxing :Made Easy; or, The Complete of Self-De·

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some important Hints


Wrestlers... ... .. .....•. . . . •.. •..•••• •• 111 clii.