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Corporate governance and capital


Report of Chairman of the Board of Directors on corporate governance and internal control

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The formalized assessment carried out on the works of the Board

(the latter also being subject to an assessment).

deepen the appreciation of the works achieved at the Board level

and its Committees during the 2016 fiscal year, allowed to

meetings are prepared and in particular at the Committees’ level

as well as in the Committees, as to the conditions in which these


The assessment was carried out pursuant to the following

answers a questionnaire which he is individually provided,

under the supervision of the Lead Director, each Director

Director. The questionnaire addresses such topics as:

with the possibility of individual interviews with the Lead

the suitability of the Board and Committees composition,

the suitability of the agenda and information provided in

that respect, of the time devoted to specific subjects,

the suitability of the means provided to the Committees to

carry out their mission,

the quality of the recommendation from both Committees,

the quality of the minutes of meetings,


the documents/information the Directors wish to be

the improvements to be made;

to report on the outcome of this assessment and consider the

the Board of Directors’ meeting of February 21, 2017 in order

improvements to retain.

at the end of these works, an item was put on the agenda of

The results of the assessment are very positive, as for the

Director’s analysis and, were shared with all the Directors:

previous years. The following points emerged from the Lead

composition of the Board of Directors, with a very satisfactory

the Directors were fully satisfied with the diversity of the

Directors of foreign nationality (6/11, i.e. 55% of members).

proportion of women (5/11, i.e. 45% of members) and of

appropriate at the Board level;

They also mentioned that the diversity of skills was

of a specific day devoted to these strategic topics;

positioning towards competitors, as was requested last year;

2016 in details such issues as strategy, growth and Atos

be renewed next year, for example through the organisation

they considered that it would be beneficial for this exercise to

they were pleased that the Board of Directors addressed in

Europe)- should be discussed in details at Board level one or

positioning in the IT services sector in the world and in

two times a year next year.

Atos has been benefiting of a large recognition in the last few

“Gold Class” level for a second year in a row and a n°1 DJSI

years and in particular in 2016 (DJSI World and Europe at

sustainability and corporate responsibility topics - for which

the functioning of the Board and its Committees was most

quality of the supporting documentation and considered that

appreciated; the Directors generally underlined the high

Chief Executive Officer’s variable compensation.

achievement of the performance criteria of the Chairman and

meetings that ruled in February and July, respectively for the

Officer took place twice in 2016, during the Board of Directors’

second semester 2015 and the first semester 2016, on the

The assessment of the performance of the Chief Executive

Internal control


control reference framework prescribed by the AMF (Autorité des

G.3.2.1 below and designed within Atos relies on the internal

The internal control system whose definition is stated in section

Marchés Financiers).

information — section G.3.2.4 Systems related to accounting

the internal control system relating to accounting and financial

guide of the AMF.

and financial information, in compliance with the application

used to describe in a structured manner the components of the

The “general principles” section of the AMF framework has been

the internal control system. Specific attention has been given to

internal control system of Atos — section G.3.2.3 Components of

Internal control players are described in section G.3.2.2 Internal

control system players.

Internal control definition and objectives


Internal control system designed throughout the Group aims to


compliance with applicable laws and regulations;

application of instructions and directional guidelines settled by

general management;

correct functioning of Company’s internal processes

particularly those implicating the safeguarding of its assets;

reliability of financial information.

accounting and financial areas. As for any internal control

and control risks of error and fraud, in particular in the

system, this mechanism can only provide reasonable assurance

One of the objectives of internal control procedures is to prevent

and not an absolute guarantee against these risks.