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Bombebossens Fribo/ig, Bombebassens> s

Free Lodging


w as erected in the y e a r 1819 by

C omm ander


as a refu ge for deserving, old,

and p o o r seam en. It is situate a t N r. 17 B rogade

in C hristianshavn, and affords free residence for 5 0

old sailors, w ho, in addition, receive a sm all w eekly

allow ance.

T h e w ord


is com pounded of



a bom b, an d


a box. C omm ander

Soiling, a b ra v e tar, and " a c h aracter” in his day,

being desirous to found a "S a ilo rs’ H om e” for old

and deserving seam en, caused several m oney-boxes

to be m ade in the form o f a bom b, and suspended

in v ario u s places, into w hich such as w ere inclined

to aid

in establish ing the asylum m igh t deposit

th eir contrib ution s. H ence the term


which the C omm ander conferred on the Institution.



Operatives In ­


, at the corner o f N y-K ongensgade and

P h ilo so p h g a n g en , N r. 2 2 7 , w as erected in 1837

by charitable contributions, and affords excellent free

lodgings for ab out 7 0 needy fam ilies o f the o perative


It is in contem plation so to extend the in­


o f this excellent institution as to include

poor fam ilies of all trades.