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Universitetsbygningen } The University Build­

ing j

is situate on the no rth side o f F ru e k irk e r

and on the sam e unfinished plot o f ground. T h e

p re sen t stru ctu re w as finished in

1 836 .

Its length

is 2 2 0 ft., and a t each end o f the building is a

carriag e entrance. In the centre p a rt of the building

is the m ain entrance and v e stib u le , to the left an d

rig h t o f w hich are the L ecture room s. O ver th e

p o rtal is an E agle looking u p w a rd s, w ith the in­

sc rip tio n : "C æ lestem adspicit lucem .” T h e v estib u ler

or entrance hall, is being ado rned w ith fine fresco-

paintings from the pencil o f C onstantine H a n se n ; a

c o rrid or on eith er side leads to

the lecture room s,

and at the fu rth er end o f the

vestibule is the


(answ ering in som e respects to the

T h ea tre or S enate H ouse o f the E nglish U niversities)

a larg e and lofty ap artm e n t w ith a g allery extending

all round. A staircase on either side of the vestib ule

conducts to a floor above, w here th ere are ad d ition al

lecture room s.