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once, in the register of Ohio, and in such other publications as the commission may determine

from time to time. The notice must appear at least thirty days prior to the date set for the hearing

of the proposed action on any such rule. The notice must meet the requirements of division (A) of

section 119,03 of the Revised Code.

Replaces: 102-3-01













102.05 ,




102.02 , 102.03 , 102.05

Prior Effective Dates: 1/25/74, 1/1/02

102-1-05 Commission meetings; notice of meetings.


Meetings; quorum; action

The commission will act only at a meeting conducted in accordance with this rule. Four members

of the commission constitutes a quorum. No action will be taken by the commission without the

concurrence of four members of the commission. Where necessary, Robert's Rules of Order Newly

Revised will be used as a guide to the proceedings of the commission.


Notice of meetings


Meetings of the commission shall be:


Held in accordance with a schedule adopted by the commission; or


Scheduled at a previous meeting of the commission; or


Called by the chair or a majority of the members with written notice to each member at least

five days prior to the meeting, in the case of notice by mail, or at least one day prior to the

meeting, in the case of notice by telephone, facsimile, electronic mail, or other communication

method used by the commission. Notice of meetings will specify the time and place of the meeting.


Notice of a meeting may be waived by a commission member either before or after the meeting.

Attendance at a meeting will constitute waiver of notice by a commission member, unless the

member objects to holding the meeting on the ground of lack of notice or insufficiency of notice,

either during the meeting or within a reasonable time thereafter.


Public notice of meetings


Authority: This rule is adopted in accordance with division (F) of section


of the Revised



The commission may post meeting notices on its web site.


Any person may obtain notice of the time and place of any regularly scheduled meeting, and

the time, place, and purpose of any special or emergency meeting, by requesting notice before

the close of the business day prior to the meeting from the commission in one of these ways:


Writing to: "Ohio Ethics Commission, 30 West Spring Street L3, Columbus, Ohio 43215;"