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and from educational field trips on non-school days.

(D) Requirement to recover cost:

The board of education or county board of developmental disabilities

shall recover an amount not to exceed the actual operational costs

associated with non-routine use of school buses when that transporta-

tion is provided for agencies other than those directly related to the bus


(E) Identification of costs when recovery is required:

Districts may charge both an hourly rate and mileage fee when costs are

to be recovered.

The following costs, as reported on the district's T-2 reports, shall be

used in determination of fees to be charged when a recovery cost is


(1) Driver salary and benefits;

(2) Fuel;

(3) Maintenance;

(4) Service;

(5) Supervision;

(6) Insurance.

HISTORY: Eff 7-25-2013

Rule promulgated under: RC 119.03

Rule authorized by: RC 3301.07, 4511.76

Rule amplifies: RC 3327.14; 3327.15; 4511.76

R.C. 119.032 review dates: 7/25/2018

3301-51-10 Transportation of children with disabilities.

(A) Definitions.

(1) The term disabilities includes the following: autism, deaf-blindness,

deafness, hearing impairment, cognitive disability, multiple

disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment,

serious emotional disturbance, specific learning disability, speech

or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, and visual

impairment including blindness.

(2) Special transportation means vehicle transportation service

required by the individualized education program or any applicable


Pupil Transportation Operation and

Safety Rules – July 2013