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1. Professional Behavior

Educators shall behave as professionals

realizing that their actions reflect directly on

the status and substance of the education


An educator serves as a positive role

model to both students and adults and is

responsible for preserving the dignity and

integrity of the teaching profession and for

practicing the profession according to the

highest ethical standards.

Conduct unbecoming

to the profession includes,

but is not limited to, the following actions:

a) Failing to adhere to the

Licensure Code of

Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators


b) Committing any violation of state or federal

laws, statutes, or rules, although the conduct

may not have resulted in a criminal charge,

indictment, prosecution or conviction. (This

does not include traffic violations.)

c) Disparaging a colleague, peer or other school

personnel while working in a professional

setting (e.g., teaching, coaching, supervising,

or conferencing) on the basis of race or

ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender,

national origin, sexual orientation, political or

religious affiliation, physical characteristics,

age, disability or English language proficiency.

d) Failing to complete a criminal background

check as required by state or federal law.

e) Violating local, state or federal procedures

related to the security of standardized

tests, test supplies or resources.

f) Being disciplined by another state educational

entity or other professional licensing board or

entity for unethical conduct.

g) Using technology to intentionally host or

post improper or inappropriate material

that could reasonably be accessed by the

school community.

The disciplinary actions for violations of

Principle 1 can be found on Page 8.

2. Professional Relationship

with Students

Educators shall maintain a professional

relationship with all students at all times,

both in and out of the classroom.

An educator’s responsibility includes

nurturing the intellectual, physical,

emotional, social, and civic potential of all

students and providing a safe environment

free from harassment, intimidation and

criminal activity. An educator creates,

supports, and maintains an appropriate

learning environment for all students and

fulfills the roles of trusted confidante,

mentor and advocate for students’ rights.

An educator must serve as a champion

against child abuse and be cognizant

of student behaviors that suggest abuse

or neglect.

Conduct unbecoming

includes, but is not

limited to, the following actions:

a) Committing any act of sexual abuse of a

student or minor or engaging in

inappropriate sexual conduct with a

student or minor.

b) Committing an act of cruelty to children or

an act of child endangerment (e.g., physical

abuse, mental injury, or emotional abuse).

c) Soliciting, encouraging, engaging or

consummating an inappropriate

relationship with a student or minor.

d) Disparaging a student on the basis of race

or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender,

national origin, sexual orientation, political or

religious affiliation, physical characteristics,

academic or athletic performance, disability

or English language proficiency.

e) Using inappropriate language, gestures

or signs at any school-related activity

such as racial slurs, biased, lewd or

lascivious expressions.

f) Provoking an altercation between students,

or provoking or engaging in a physical

altercation with students, that is not for the

Licensure Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators

page 2