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concerned, the same 6 categories of special education are utilized as we have for school age 

children with the same per‐pupil dollar amounts. The dollar amounts however are multiplied by 0.5 

to base this funding on the notion that typically preschool children attend half day classes. The 

mathematical representation of this funding is as follows: 

[(Total Preschool Special Ed Counts) X $4,000] +  

{[(Category 1 Preschool Special Ed Count) X $1,547 X 0.5 X (State Share Index)] +  

[(Category 2 Preschool Special Ed Count) X $3,926 X 0.5 X (State Share Index)] +  

[(Category 3 Preschool Special Ed Count) X $9,433 X 0.5 X (State Share Index)] +  

[(Category 4 Preschool Special Ed Count) X $12,589 X 0.5 X (State Share Index)] +  

[(Category 5 Preschool Special Ed Count) X $17,049 X 0.5 X (State Share Index)] +  

[(Category 6 Preschool Special Ed Count) X $25,134 X 0.5 X (State Share Index)]}  


Special Education Transportation Funding [Administrative Rule 3301‐83‐01(D)]

This reflects the subsidy the state provides to school districts to cover the costs associated with 

transporting special needs students to their programs and for specialized equipment needed for 

such transportation. This aid is calculated as the lesser of the actual cost or the sum of $6 per pupil 

per day plus half of the amount by which the actual cost exceeds $6 per pupil per day. To obtain 

the state share of this calculation, the result is multiplied by 60% or the district’s state share index, 

whichever is greater. 


Total Additional Aid Items 

This is simply the total of Preschool Special Education Funding and the Special Education 

Transportation Funding that fall under Additional Aid Items. 

Transfers and Adjustments 

As in previous years’ payment reports, transfers and adjustments applied to the foundation calculation 

are reflected on the FY16 SFPR.   


Education Service Center Deduction [Sections 3317.11 & 3317.023(B)]  

This reflects the funds deducted from the foundation funding of school district to be transferred to 

education service centers (ESC) for services provided on behalf of the district. The deduction may 

just reflect the district share of the per‐pupil amount of at least $6.50 or additionally, it may reflect 

funds transferred for preschool services provided by the ESC or transfers for contracts made with 

the ESC pursuant to Section 3313.845.   

Am. Sub. H. B. 59 of the 130


 General Assembly introduced some changes in ESC services and 

therefore their funding. Whereas ESC’s used to provide supervisory services before, they are no 

longer required to do that and therefore they are no longer funded for that purpose. By the same 

token, ESCs are no longer funded for special education extended service and as a result no 

deduction to the school district’s funding is made for that purpose either. 

As far as preschool services are concerned, school districts receive state funding calculated based 

on their number of preschool children and Am. Sub. H. B. 64 parameters explained above.  A school