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Last Updated: 5/26/2010





is solely paid from solely state and local sources, then time and effort documentation and semi-

annual certifications are not required to be completed.

Q7. Can an educational entity pay for a teacher license or other certification for an artisan, musician

or other similar person not employed by the educational entity but providing learning opportunities

through credit flexibility?

A7. No, unless the educational entity pays for all employee licenses and certifications as a function

of board policy and/or collective bargaining unit.

Q8. Can a district charge to a student a fee for a district teacher’s time used to review plans, tests or

other educational related activities associated with credit flexibility?

A8. Generally, this is not permitted as students are receiving the free education permitted under

ORC 3313.64. However, the Department recognizes there could be limited, extraordinary

circumstances where a fee could be assessed. Any fee assessed should be grounded in a clear study

of actual costs incurred and clearly linked to the specific activity related to credit flexibility.

Educational entities are responsible for maintaining such documentation that clearly and

unambiguously indicates the actual costs associated with this fee. However, districts must be

cognizant of the prohibition on charging fees to student eligible for “free lunch” pursuant to ORC



Q9. Can a district charge for materials and supplies used for coursework that a student uses credit

flexibility options?

A9. Generally, this is permitted in accordance with the board of education’s policies on fees for

materials and other supplies used in the traditional classroom setting. However, districts must be

cognizant of the prohibition on charging fees to student eligible for “free lunch” pursuant to ORC


Q10. A student with an IEP requirement for an aide participates in credit flex. What is the

responsibility of the district for the aide services while the student participates in credit flex?

A10. The district should refer to the specific language as outlined in the IEP. If the language clearly

states that the aides services should be provided then it is the responsibility of the school district to

provide that service.

Traditional Public Schools

Q11. If a student is enrolled and attending pursuant to ORC 3317.03 but is absent from classroom

attendance for count week due to completion of a course requirement under credit flexibility, such

as laboratory examination off school grounds, can the student be counted for funding purposes?

A11. Yes, if the student is enrolled and attending based on the requirements of ORC 3317.03 and

sufficient documentation exists at the school district outlining the reason for the student’s absence

during count week.