Student enrolls in school
district and attends classes
Is the student
eligible for free
Stop. Student cannot be
charged any fees pursuant to
ORC 3313.642
Is the student a
resident of the
school district?
Is this a special
Is this a special
The district must provide services within
the scope of the IEP document and
within the parameters of providing a free
and appropriate public education. Fees
may be charged only for those programs
as identified within the IEP and held
outside the school day.
Students may only be charged fees
in the normal and customary
manner required for traditional
courses in the school district, in
accordance with district policy and
held outside the school day.
Any fees charged to the student
as required by the IEP may be
charged as excess costs and
billed back to the resident
Any fees charged to the student
are included within any tuition
charge already billed to the
resident district.
Special Education
Non-special education
Special Education
Non-special education
Are the fees for
activities that
occur during the
scheduled school
Stop. Fees for activities during
the school day may not be
charged to students or parents.
Note 1: IEP means an individual education plan required under Federal and state special education laws and regulations.
Note 2: Any fees charged to students or parents under the auspices of credit flexibility must be carefully grounded in factual reality and have sufficient
and competent evidence of the calculation and purpose of all fees charged. Districts must be extremely cautious when assessing fees for participating in
credit flexibility programs. The Department reserves the authority to review instances where issues arise regarding the issuance of fees in this program.
Credit Flexibility Flowchart
Prepared by: Office of Finance Program Services
As of: 4/9/10