identifiable information from a student?s education records over the telephone, it does
require that the school use reasonable methods to identify and authenticate the
identity of parents, students, school officials, and any other parties to whom the
school discloses personally identifiable information from education records.
34 CFR
§ 99.31(c).
What constitutes de-identified records and information?Records and information are de-identified once all personally identifiable information
has been removed including but not limited to any information that, alone or in
combination is linkable to a specific student that a reasonable person in the school
community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to
identify the student with reasonable certainty.
May parents or eligible students be provided access to education records that contain information on more than one student?If the education records of a student contain personally identifiable information on
other students, the parent or eligible student may inspect or review or be informed of
only the specific information about the student in question. 34 CFR § 99.12.
Disclosure to Parties in Connection with Financial Aid(1)
May a postsecondary institution disclose financial aid records without written consent?FERPA permits institutions to disclose, without consent, personally identifiable
information from students? education records when the disclosure is in connection
with a student's application for, or receipt of, financial aid. Disclosures under this
exception to consent may be made if the information is necessary for such purposes
as to:
(a) determine eligibility for the aid; (b) determine the amount of the aid; (c)
determine the conditions for the aid; or (d) enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.
Disclosure to a Parent of a Student at a Postsecondary Institution Use or Possession of Alcohol or Controlled Substance(1)
Can parents be informed about students' violation of alcohol and controlled substance rules?FERPA permits a college or university to let parents of students under the age of 21
know when the student has violated any law or policy concerning the use or
possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.