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participation. The high school must allow the parent and student to schedule an alternative time or

mechanism for receipt of the required counseling.

16. Can school districts or high schools incentivize students to take AP classes

instead of College Credit Plus by changing the grading scale for AP classes, such

as making the “A+” worth 12 points, “A” worth 11 points and “A-“ worth 10


No. There are three advanced standing programs recognized by Ohio law: Advanced Placement (AP),

College Credit Plus (CCP) and International Baccalaureate (IB). Ohio Administrative Code Section 3333-

1-65.2 (B)(7) prohibits a practice that disadvantages a student who chooses to participate in one

advanced standing program over another advanced standing program. Therefore, if a district or high

school creates a different grading scale for Advanced Placement (AP) that weights a student’s “A+” grade

greater than an “A” grade, since it is not common practice for postsecondary institutions to award “+”or “-“

grades, then the higher grade scale must be applied to the grades of college students under College

Credit Plus. Otherwise, students who choose to participate in College Credit Plus would be


17. Can the high school require teacher recommendation for participation in

College Credit Plus courses?

No. High schools may not place any restrictions upon student participation in College Credit Plus,

including requiring high school teacher recommendations. Each institution of higher education sets its

own standards for measuring students’ college-readiness. Each institution of higher education applies its

admission standards and selects data to be considered.

18. Can a high school "block" a student from participation in CCP if school

officials feel s/he is not prepared or not performing well, even if s/he tests as

college-ready? Can a building implement its own requirements for which

students will be allowed to test?

No. Schools cannot enact participation requirements beyond those stated in law. However, school

counselors should work with parents to discuss options and share teacher feedback as families consider

the College Credit Plus option.

19. When a school district purchases college books for students taking CCP

courses, can the district require those students to return the books upon

successful course completion? Alternately, if the student wants to keep a book

after they complete the course, can the school district request that the student

pay for it?

Absolutely! The prohibition against charging students pertains to a charge creating a barrier for CCP

student participation. If purchased by the district, the district will own the educational tool (book) and

certainly if the student does not return it, or unreasonably damages it so that it cannot be used by another

student, the student can be required to purchase the book from the district. The district may also offer

students the opportunity to purchase the instructional tool after the course.