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Dear Friends,
am humbled and honored to have been selected to lead the FBI
National Academy Associates as the new executive director. As a
Graduate of the 224th session, I will bring servant leadership to our
Association. I want to thank everyone for your warm welcome. Also,
I want thank the national office staff and the board members for
their support and assistance in helping me transition into this posi-
tion. I am fired up about the opportunity to serve our members to a
strong sustainable future. I have worked with many of you through-
out my twenty-nine years of law enforcement service in state, mu-
nicipal, and campus law enforcement agencies. In addition to work-
ing in law enforcement, I have also served on non-profit boards in
many capacities from state level associations to international asso-
ciations from positions of President to Executive Director over the
past seventeen years. I have a proven track record in fundraising,
sponsorships, administrative leadership and conference planning. I
look forward to this opportunity to bring new ideas, support, and
transparency to our already top-notch Association.
My first orders of business are to get to team build with and
support our national office staff, continue the implementation of
the three year strategic plan, and to jump into our national annual
training conference.
by Howard Cook, Executive Director
I will be approachable and reachable to all of our members and
I look forward to the opportunity to meet you if we have not met
and to reconnect with all of my old friends.
My office is open to any of you, at any time.
Howard M. Cook
Executive Director