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WWW.HOMESTEADMGMT.ORG328 Changebridge Road
Pine Brook, NJ 07058
284 Route 206 South
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
• All submissions must come from and be about:
A member of CAI-NJ (Manager, Management
Company, Board Member, Business Partner or Business
Partner Employee) in good standing.
• Companies/Communities are permitted four (4)
announcements per calendar year.
• Submissions are limited to 150 words.
Members are responsible to condense the information
appropriately, as CAI-NJ will not do so. Any submissions
over 150 words will not be published.
• Submissions may include (1) image.
• Submissions should not be advertorial in nature.
Please note, CAI-NJ reserves the right to edit any submissions.
The chapter reserves the right to omit information as necessary.
CAI-NJ has the exclusive right to refuse to publish any submissions
for any reason.
For questions regarding the Chapter Trends section of
, please contact
jaclyn@cainj.orgor 609-588-0030.
Chapter Trends Editorial Guidelines
SOLitude’s volunteerism and local outreach program, The
SOLution. SOLitude and staff contributed $79,393 in
donations of goods and in-kind services to non-profits,
environmental projects and natural disaster victims last
year, an 86% increase over 2016. The contributions,
which supported 11,285 families across the country,
were supported by 3,512 collective volunteer hours
through SOLitude’s Earth Day, Love Your Lake, Little
GOBBLERS, and HOLiday Cheer programs, as well
as local initiatives including food bank programs, kid’s
fishing events, Habitat for Humanity builds and a pond
restoration project with environmental students from
Maple Shade High School in Maple Shade Township,
NJ. Since the program began in 2012, SOLitude has
donated more than $254,830 in goods and in-kind
services and contributed 9,457 volunteer hours to our
local communities across the country.
from page 10.