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CHAPTER 4: An Unexpected Resolution

As the battle went on, the pirates were over powering. Charlie was getting beaten down by a

nasty, green one who looked like he hadn’t brushed his teeth for ever. Riley tried to help Charlie

back onto her feet when another pirate with a scar-covered face knocked him onto the ground.

Kami was thrown on top of them, and the three huddled together in fear.

Suddenly, someone on the enemy ship called out. The pirates towered above the crew of three,

daggers raised to kill. The calling from the ship got louder. Looking at each other with surprise,

the pirates shrugged, before sheathing their weapons. One by one, they leaped back onto their

own ship, none of them flinching at the crashing waves below.

“What… what happened?” whispered Riley.

“I think they’re retreating,” Charlie replied. A wave of relief flooded through them, but it was all

too soon. Their troubles weren’t over yet.


The entire ship rocked from the impact, throwing all three into an


pile onto the deck.

The pirates had fired a cannon.

“Oh, no,” murmured Kami.

Charlie bolted to the wheel. All her athletic training allowed her to reach it so fast she was able

to stop the wheel before the whole ship tipped over. As she struggled to gain control, Kami

spoke again.

“Uh, guys? I think we have another problem.”

Before the kids could ask what, a crack of thunder pounded at their ears as the sky darkened. All

three froze as they became face to face with the storm ahead. Menacing clouds crawled towards

them, as the rain began again, heavier than ever.. Peering through the sheets of rain, Riley began

to see shadows in the distance. As the waves pushed the boat forward, the shadows became

clearer. A row of dark, foreboding cliffs were staring down at them. The crew began to realise

why the pirates had retreated so quickly. A thick fog seeped over and around them, making it

impossible to distinguish between sky and sea. Charlie looked in despair into the fog, trying to

make out where the cliffs were.

“It’s hopeless!” She cried. “We have no chance.”

“We need to get to land before the ship sinks.” Riley said.

“How?” Kami exclaimed. “We can’t see two feet in front of us, let alone land!”