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Chapter 7

As the group of children laid eyes on the rustic, brick cottage they lingered for a

moment. They were finally going to get Terry back. Drew walked up to the red, wooden

door and knocked twice. A strange, suspicious man appeared. He had thick, curly hair and

an old, sunken in face.

“Who are you people?” He growled.

Miss Lotus stepped in. “We are from the local primary school and we are here to get our

Tasmanian tiger back.”

Once Miss Lotus said this something in his face changed, it almost hardened. “Tasmanian

Tiger? I have no such thing!” He said angrily.

“We know you have him, Earl and Doris told us they sold him to you.” Miss Lotus narrowed

her eyes.

“They sold me a striped dog, not a tiger!”

“Please let us see him, he’s our friend and he belongs in the wild.” Drew piped up.

“No! I was sold a friendly pet that I paid good money for and I’m not giving him back so

you can all get off my property and go back to where you lot came from!” The man sounded

threatening and they had almost decided to give up when Riley stepped forward with her

head high and determined.

“Mr…. sir, the pet that you bought he, he’s our friend and it’s his birthday today and we

were planning a big party for him, but then he was stolen from us, by Earl and Doris. Terry

belongs in the wild, it’s where he lives and it’s where he’s happy so please let us see him, let

us bring him back to his rightful home.” Riley’s eyes were getting teary now, this was their

last chance to get Terry back.

The man’s eyes darted back and forth, deciding what to do. Finally, he took a deep breath

and closed his eyes. “Fine you can all see him…. And I will let you and your friends take