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Ed started squawking loudly.

"Come on Ed, you're right, we don't need this loser guiding us on this trip."

Apanie declared.

And so they left, leaving Jason alone with his cruel father.

Chapter five

After walking back to get his car, Jason drove on, looking for his friends. Jason

gripped the steering wheel of his Holden, looking out the window. His life. All

one big bowl of cooked up frustration. Where was this lagoon? Where was what

he had been striving for since the start of his journey? All, all he needed – was

soup. Warm, tasty soup, being slurped up by delighted customers. He started to

feel sleepy. Oh, so sleepy. He started to feel his grip loosen, as the car began

jolting as if a wheel had gone loose. Swearing loudly, he slammed the brakes

and realised that he driven straight through a pile of loose gravel. Flinging open

the door, he looked around at his surroundings and it seemed to him as if he

had travelled to some post-apocalyptic universe. The land was barren and dry,

flat for kilometres apart from the enormous piles of red dirt and rubble, and the

huge machinery, cold and menacing. He saw this all in a glimpse of a second.

He jumped out of the car.

He fell, and tried desperately to stab the wall with the cooking knife in his apron

while going down, failing miserably. He looked down with only a few meters left

until landing, and he desperately stuck his hands out. Time seemed to stop.

And then before Jason knew it, he was on the ground with a stinging and aching

wrist that did not seem to move. He screamed – but stopped himself. No one

would hear him. The excruciating pain seemed like a nuclear explosion had

erupted in that one spot.

He lifted himself up with his other hand and straightened his legs, feeling his

right wrist scream at him, scream in pain.

He looked down at the cliffside and saw the wall, all the while feeling 100

needles in his hand, constantly crushing, constantly pinching.

He started to walk down the zigzagged path, complicated, like a maze, looping,

twisting and turning.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jason saw movement. He swiftly moved his head

to the side to see a person shifting in his seating position.

Jason yelled, "Help!"

The guard looked at the source of the noise, his brow furrowed. Surprise

dawned on his face as he realized who was calling out.

He felt his wrist hurt, more than ever before.

And then, suddenly, everything went black.